K E Y English 1, semester 1, Autumn 2005 Assignment 4/6 Review -- Units 4 & 5 (New International Business English) I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. zbavit se nevyřízených věcí - (to) get rid of backlogs 2. předvídavý a všestranný (obchodní) společník -- a farsighted and versatile (business) partner/associate 3. zrušit chybné předpisy - (to) abolish faulty provisions/regulations 4. předložit návrh - (to) put forward/submit a proposal/suggestion 5. zamýšlená náhrada za pana M. -- an intended replacement for Mr M. 6. založit komanditní společnost -- (to) set up / found/establish a limited partnership 7. prostorné provozní místnosti - spacious premises/rooms/offices 8. nastat opakovaně - (to) occur/happen/take place repeatedly 9. manipulovat s kancelářským zařízením - (to) handle office equipment 10. ochrana životního prostředí - environmental protection II. Prepositions (12 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. He is involved in a number of dangerous activities. 2. The visit will be arranged on one of the last days of your stay. 3. Employees can join _- the trade union and collectively put forward their views. 4. Please note down all the important informatioin. 5. Who instructed the staff on the necessary procedures? 6. Which task shall I concentrate on? 7. You will explain the arrangements to the visitors. 8. The growth has been achieved by investing in technology. 9. The hot summer accounts for the rising consumption of beer. III. Grammar (28 pts.) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. Add auxiliary verbs, prepositions or particle to where necessary. 1. They used to blame us for cheating (used to, blame, we, cheat) our customers until a huge fraud was revealed (reveal) in their own firm. 2. Some companies have not survived (not+survive) the recent crisis. 3. I don´t mind working (not+mind + work) hard, but I can´t stand waiting for (not+can + wait) others. 4. Many people will be encouraged to work from (encourage + work) home in the future. 5. Latvia should not be confused with (not+should + confuse) Lithuania. IV. Translation (20 pts.) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Pořád ještě zůstává spousta záležitostí, které se neřešily. There still remain(s) a number of issues which have not been dealt with / solved / addressed (yet). A number of issues still remain(s) which have not been dealt with / solved. 2. Už nebude žádoucí, aby pracovníci chodili do práce včas a byli vidět. It will no longer be desirable for workers to come to work on/in time and be seen. 3. Pravděpodobně se jim v budoucnu bude dařit méně dobře kvůli změně spotřebitelských preferencí. They are likely to do less well in the future due to the change in consumer preferences. 4. Který vynález položil základy automobilového průmyslu? Which invention laid the cornerstone/foundations of car/motor industry? Total: 80 points