Final test -- Autumn semester 2004 English 1 -- 2^nd year H +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: |I. Vocabulary: |Total: 100 | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| | |II. Translation: |Minimum to pass: 60 | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| |Date: 9 February 2005 |III. Grammar: |Result: | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| | |IV. Definitions: | | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| |Teacher: |V. Listening: | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I. Vocabulary (24 points) A. Translate the following expressions from Czech into English: pracovat na pokladně - podporovat výprodeje mimo sezónu - odečíst emisní ážio - splacení pohledávek - považovat odbory za protivníka - neunést tíhu zodpovědnosti - vyjma volitelných rysů - ověřit a potvrdit výroční zprávu - B. Translate the following expressions from English into Czech: focus group - unlikely inventory size - superfluous production - PLC - II. Translation (18 points) 1. Ačkoli dokázali určit cíle a sdělit je zaměstnancům, nedařilo se jim měřit výkon a vykonávat dozor nad novými podřízenými. V důsledku toho zbankrotovali. 2. Kdyby byli poskytovali štědřejší úvěrové možnosti, byli by přitáhli zájem mnoha zákazníků kupujících lacinější zboží. 3. Proč odmítli snahy o snížení nákladů na dopravu a zásoby tím, že využijí systému výroby v pravý čas? Nevybudovali si širokou síť malých subdodavatelů? III. Grammar (34 points) A. Put the verbs (in the given order) and other words in brackets into the correct form, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. (16 points) 1. If you ______________________________________ (be accustomed, participate) supervisory board meetings, you could __________________________________________ (never, accuse, we, cheat). We behave honestly. 2. Who _________________________________________ (approve, sign) the letter in my name? Why _________________________________________ (I, consult)? B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it. (12 points) 1. "What did you do to get out of the situation?" he asked. He wanted .................................................................................................................. . 2. The new advertising campaign is achieving a huge impact on the market. A huge impact ............................................................................................................... . 3. The new CEO did not let his subordinates leave work unfinished. Subordinates ................................................................................................................ . C. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary. (6 points) 1. Do many doctors belong ________ a professional association here? 2. If the goods were more exposed ________ market conditions, they would adapt _______ it. 3. Instead ________ concentrating ________ out-dated techniques, we should look abroad for an example. 4. I am sorry to announce that we sold the shares _________ a loss. IV. Definitions (9 points) OTS (advertising) - obsolescence -- niche - V. Listening (15 points) KEY - version H Final test -- Autumn semester 2004 English 1 -- 2^nd year H +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: |I. Vocabulary: |Total: 100 | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| | |II. Translation: |Minimum to pass: 60 | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| |Date: |III. Grammar: |Result: | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| | |IV. Definitions: | | |---------------------------------------+----------------------------+-----------------------| |Teacher: |V. Listening: | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ I. Vocabulary (24 points) A. Translate the following expressions from Czech into English: pracovat na pokladně - to work on the checkout till podporovat výprodeje mimo sezónu - to encourage off-season sales odečíst emisní ážio - to deduct a share premium splacení pohledávek - repayment of liabilities/receivables považovat odbory za protivníka - to consider trade unions as an adversary neunést tíhu zodpovědnosti - to fail to bear the burden of responsibility vyjma volitelných rysů - except optional features ověřit a potvrdit výroční zprávu - to verify and confirm the annual report B. Translate the following expressions from English into Czech: focus group - vzorek cílových zákazníků (hodnotících produkt) unlikely inventory size - nepravděpodobné množství zásob na skladě superfluous production - nadbytečná výroba PLC - akciová společnost II. Translation (18 points) 1. Ačkoli dokázali určit cíle a sdělit je zaměstnancům, nedařilo se jim měřit výkon a vykonávat dozor nad novými podřízenými. V důsledku toho zbankrotovali. Although they managed to set objectives and communicate them to their staff, they failed to measure performance and supervise new subordinates. As a result/consequence the business/firm/company/they went bankrupt. 2. Kdyby byli poskytovali štědřejší úvěrové možnosti, byli by přitáhli zájem mnoha zákazníků kupujících lacinější zboží. If they had provided more generous credit facilities to customers, they would have attracted a number of down-market customers 3. Proč odmítli snahy o snížení nákladů na dopravu a zásoby tím, že využijí systému výroby v pravý čas? Nevybudovali si širokou síť malých subdodavatelů? Why have they rejected efforts to reduce transportation and inventory costs by using JIT system? Have they not developed an extensive network of small subcontractors? III. Grammar (34 points) A. Put the verbs (in the given order) and other words in brackets into the correct form, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. (16 points) 1. If you were accustomed to participating in (be accustomed, participate) supervisory board meetings, you could never accuse us of cheating (never, accuse, we, cheat). We behave honestly. 2. Who approved of signing (approve, sign) the letter in my name? Why had not I been / wasn´t I consulted (I, consult)? KEY - version H B. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it. (12 points) 1. "What did you do to get out of the situation?" he asked. He wanted to know what I had done to get out of the situation. 2. The new advertising campaign is achieving a huge impact on the market. A huge impact on the market is being achieved by the new advertising campaign. 3. The new CEO did not let his subordinates leave work unfinished. Subordinates were not allowed to leave work unfinished by the new CEO. C. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary. (6 points) 1. Do many doctors belong to a professional association here? 2. If the goods were more exposed to market conditions, they would adapt to it. 3. Instead of concentrating on out-dated techniques, we should look abroad for an example. 4. I am sorry to announce that we sold the shares at a loss. IV. Definitions (9 points) OTS (advertising) -- opportunities to see, i.e. a number of times target customers are likely to see an advertisement obsolescence -- state of e.g. machinery that is out of date or no longer used niche - a small, specialized, but profitable segment of a market V. Listening (15 points)