English 1, semester 3, Autumn 2005 Assignment 4/4 -- deadline: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 Review -- Units 10 & 11 I. Vocabulary (20 pts.) Translate into English. 1. upravit jisté prvky -- (to) modify/adapt certain features 2. snažit se uspokojit potřeby -- (to) attempt/try/struggle to satisfy the needs 3. široký výběr nábytku - a wide selection/range of furniture 4. zvýšit výdaje na reklamu - (to) increase advertising spending 5. nevěnovat pozornost klesajícím výnosům.- (to) disregard/ignore diminishing returns 6. zavádějící tvrzení -- a misleading statement 7. navrhnout mimořádně trvanlivou tkaninu -- (to) design an extraordinarily durable/resistant fabric 8. provést konečný výběr -- (to) make a final choice/selection 9. přilákat pozornost potenciálního zákazníka -- (to) attract a potential customer´s attention 10. zjištění průzkumu - findings of a survey/research II. Prepositions (10 pts.) Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions or adverbials, if necessary. 1. There is no need for readvertising. 2. He had an idea for a new system of storage. 3. The data relevant to your region will not be available before the 30^th of the month. 4. This concept, on the contrary, involves dividing the market into a number of segments. 5. I can´t say it for sure at this point of campaign. 6. I don´t have access to the company´s funds. 7. How did you cope with reducing your budget? III. Grammar (15 pts.) Put the verbs and other words in brackets into the correct forms. Add auxiliary verbs, prepositions or particle to where necessary. 1. Advertising often persuades people to buy (persuade, people, buy) unnecessary things. 2. You were/are not supposed to help us (not+suppose + help + we), so we were surprised a lot by your kind assistance. 3. Why do you think that those people must have been compelled to sell off (must + compel + sell off) their property? Was the price apparently low? 4. Please remember to mention (remember + mention) our offer to your colleagues. 5. The staff are/have been/were proud of working for/in (be proud + work) a company with a 150-year-old tradition. IV. Translation (10 pts.) 1. Jakmile je nalezen cílový trh, společnost se musí rozhodnout, které zboží nebo služby nabídne, t.j. které neuspokojené nebo nově vytvořené potřeby uspokojí. Once/As soon as a target market has been / is identified, a company has to / must decide which goods or services to offer, i.e. which unsatisfied or newly created needs it will fill/satisfy. 2. Jaké výhody hledají velké firmy, když spíše zadávají zakázky agenturám, než by zakládaly vlastní reklamní oddělení? What advantages do large companies seek when they give contracts to agencies, rather then set up their own advertising departments? Total: 55 points