CONTENT O/ From Travelling to Tourism O/ Tourism System O/ Geography of Tourism O/ Measuring Tourism Contribution FROM TRAVELLING TO TOURISM O/ Changes in purposes and motivators of travelling O/ Prehistoric time l Travelling to survive O/ Early Ages l Trade and barter of goods (coin currency) l Military campaign (Roman Empire), collecting taxis l Spa resorts O/ Middle Ages l Trade, Crusade l Religious purposes - pilgrimages O/ The Renaissance l Discovering new places -- the age of colonization l Desire to broaden experience and knowledge O/ The Industrial Revolution l Economic and social changes (working hours, leisure time, etc.) l Means of transport O/ Modern Tourism l Mass tourism DEFINITION Key words: l Movement l Place l Duration l Purpose Tourism is an activity when persons travel from their residence to another place where they stay for not more than one complete year and their reasons of travelling are mainly leisure activities, business or other purposes. TOURISM SYSTEM TOURISM IMPACTS O/ Economic impacts l jobs, GDP, investments, export l leakage O/ Social and cultural impacts l Support of traditional culture, education, technology l Pressure on changing traditional activities, invade privacy, commercialize O/ Environmental impacts l Restoration, conservation and protection, development of infrastructure l Environmental damage, pollution SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. O/ three principles: l Ecological Sustainability l Social and Cultural Sustainability l Economic Sustainability EXTERNAL IMPACTS ON TOURISM O/ Natural disasters l floods, tornados, tsunami, etc. O/ Political problems l totalitarianism, wars, terrorist attacks O/ Economic situation l inflation, economic crisis, price level, etc. GEOGRAPHY OF TOURISM O/ Tourism = socio-economical feature with geographical aspects O/ Geography of tourism = studies and analyses of rules and factors that influence location and development of tourism in a certain area (destination) LIST OF COUNTRIES GEOGRAPHY OF TOURISM O/ Selective factors l Political, legislation, economic, social, demographic and urbanisation, environmental, technical and psychological O/ Localization factors l Natural and cultural O/ Realization factors l Transport, accommodation, catering, travel organizers, etc. - stakeholders MEASURING TOURISM CONTRIBUTION O/ Structure of the Tourism industry l = a group of economic activities l not product specific l participation of private and public sectors' activities * Accommodation * Catering (food service) * Passenger transportation * Distributors * Tourist activities * Tourist organizations MEASURING TOURISM CONTRIBUTION O/ Measuring Tourism Contribution l Methods l Identifying Tourism Activity * Standard Classification of Economic Activities l Tourism Satellite Accounts l Economic Data * The Balance of Payments l Forms and Categories of Tourism MEASURING TOURISM CONTRIBUTION O/ Identifying Tourism Activity l tourism = complex industry l International Standard Classification of Economic Activities * categories of economic activities * compiling statistics l traditional method -- supply or production perspective l underestimated economic growth of tourism MEASURING TOURISM CONTRIBUTION O/ Tourism Satellite Accounts l Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities l connection between tourism demand and tourism supply l including * direct and indirect tourism activities * direct and indirect employment * tourism-related capital investments and taxes Tourism Receipts and Expenditure (billion USD) 1992-2004 Czech Republic FORMS AND CATEGORIES OF TOURISM O/ Traveller vs. Visitor FORMS AND CATEGORIES OF TOURISM O/ Forms of Tourism l Domestic Tourism l International Tourism * Inbound Tourism * Outbound Tourism O/ Categories of Tourism l Internal Tourism l National Tourism l International Tourism Inbound Tourism (in mil) 1996-2003 Czech Republic TOP20 -- Arrivals in Europe 1998 Direct Economic Impact on Tourism (%) 2003 -- Central and Eastern Europe ESSAY O/ Topic: Should Government Support Tourism? O/ Extent: 500-800 words O/ Spacing: one and an half O/ Deadline: 12th December 2006 O/ Email: THE END