CONTENT O/ Tourism Management O/ Tourism Marketing TOURISM MANAGEMENT O/ Science l Focus on controlling patterns l Scientific methods O/ Theory l Process of practising control activities and knowledge ( continuous process of planning, organizing, decision-making, motivating, communicating and checking) O/ Structure l Organization scheme TOURISM MANAGEMENT O/ International level l International organizations * WTO * European Travel Commission, etc. O/ National level l National Tourism Administration (NTA) l National Tourism Organization O/ Regional/local level l Destination Management Company (DMC) National Tourism administration structures NATIONAL TOURISM ADMINISTRATION O/ Ministry and Department O/ Function -- goals: l policy l planning issues l development l regulation and controls; l education and training l consumer and national heritage protection l monitoring NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION O/ Executive agency of NTAs O/ Statue: l Public l Semi-public l Private O/ Public Private Partnership (PPP) l Cooperation l Coordination O/ Main activities: l Marketing l Promotion l Monitoring DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY = association of "stakeholders" (municipal authorities, small businesses or their representatives, tourist information centres, regional development agencies, etc.) O/ Mission l To provide the coordination of the long-run sustainable tourism development in a region and so to increase its competitiveness as a destination in target markets. DESTINATION MANAGEMENT = a set of techniques, tools and actions used to cooperate in planning, organizing, communicating, decision-making and regulating tourism in a given destination. O/ 4 cooperative function: l Planning function l Supply function l Marketing function l Interest promoting function DESTINATION MANAGEMENT (Cooperative functions) O/ Planning function l Cooperation between involved organizations and influence on tourism goals defining l competitive analysis l Selecting Strategy l Implementation of the strategy O/ Supply function l Providing public products and services l Supply coordination and packaging l Inventing new products l Quality check DESTINATION MANAGEMENT (Cooperative functions) O/ Marketing function l Destination marketing strategy l Image and brand (logo) take-care l Marketing mix (5P) l Information system O/ Interest promoting function l Residents' sensitiveness to tourism l Coordination of interests within tourism l Representing tourist interests to public and authorities MARKETING = one of the managements' tools O/ Definition: = a social and management process within individuals and groups obtain what they need/want by means of creating and exchanging products and money with each other. = a process of accomplishment company's targets based on ensuring needs of the target market and satisfying these needs in a better way than competitors. MARKETING O/ Unique characteristics: l Tourism supply * The supply of tourism services cannot be changed rapidly in response to changes in demand. l Tourism demand * Tourism demand is highly elastic. l Tourism product * The tourism product is a combination of many different services. NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANIZATION O/ Marketing activities: l Marketing and promotion of the nation, ensuring its tourism competitiveness and market share of visitors among other destinations within its region; l Encouraging private sector support and cooperation in promotional activities and participating in shaping national tourism policies and practices; l Representing its country in trade and consumer shows and expositions; l Producing and distributing brochures, videos, and other marketing materials; l Promoting and producing special events; l Performing or contracting for market research and analysis; l Maintaining overseas tourism information offices; l Providing central information and reservation system. DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY O/ Marketing activities: l Marketing and promotion of the destination (image, brand, logo), ensuring its tourism competitiveness and market share of visitors among other destinations within its region; l Encouraging cooperation between all participants (private and public); l Representing its destination in trade and consumer shows and expositions; l Producing and distributing brochures, videos, and other marketing materials; l Promoting and producing special events; l Performing or contracting for market research and analysis; l Maintaining tourism information offices. Image, logo and motto TOURISM PROMOTION O/ Promotion of the Czech Republic O/ Promotion of the Hodoninsko-Kyjovsko-Veselovsko region ESSAY O/ Topic: Should Government Support Tourism? O/ Extent: 500-800 words O/ Spacing: one and an half O/ Deadline: 12th December 2005 O/ Email: THE END