Keyboard and Punctuation Symbols ~ = tilda @ = at e.g.: – read as: info at business dot com # = hatch(mark) used in US before numbers: #15 – read as: number fifteen ^ = carrot & = and * = asterisk {} = braces ( ) = parentheses sg.: parenthesis [ ] = (square) brackets “ ” = GB: quotation marks, US: inverted commas ’ = apostrophe : = colon ; = semicolon , = comma . = GB: fullstop, US: period; outside a text: dot e.g. in a web address: ? = question mark ! = GB: exclamation mark, US: exclamation point - = hyphen (spojovník) e.g.: for splitting up a word, no spaces around it – = dash (pomlčka) e.g.: similar function to a colon, spaces from right and left \ = backslash / = slash or stroke ¨ = umlaut ® = registered trademark © = copyright % = per cent ‰ = per mille + = plus math operation: addition - = minus math operation: subtraction × = times math operation: multiplication ÷ = divided by math operation: division = = equals or is