Unit 4 – Revision o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) to confuse punctuation marks – ______________________________________ to discard unwanted piles of paper – __________________________________ backlog of work – ________________________________________________ encouraging projected sales – ________________________________________ in logical sequence and order of importance – ___________________________ odložit služební cestu – ____________________________________________ hromadit životně důležité dokumenty – ________________________________ posílit prodejní činnosti – ___________________________________________ příznivé tržní podmínky – __________________________________________ zdravotní a bezpečnostní předpisy – ___________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 9 points) a list of goods sold or services received that states how much you must pay for them = a punctuation mark used to separate two sentences which are somehow connected in meaning = a person or organization that buys and sells, especially shares or insurance, for others = o Give a preposition: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) you should act _______ your problems to step in _______ the Sales Manager to instruct new staff _______ safety procedures our company has all the documents _______ file you should pay more attention _______ your mistakes we must keep a check _______ working hours o Rewrite the sentences in the passive: (2 points each, total 12 pts.) We are dispatching the consignment right now. The consignment _______________________________________ right now. The government could have solved the problem sooner. The problem _____________________________________________ sooner. We used to check the account every week. The accounts _________________________________________ every week. We would have found the mistake if they had given us enough time. The mistake _______________________ if __________________________. She’s discarded all the useless paper. All the useless paper _____________________________________________. They may raise more questions at the next meeting. More questions _________________________________ at the next meeting. o Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) Přeplněný stůl neznamená, že se člověk dusí pod velkým množstvím práce, ale ukazuje, že lidé rádi hromadí stohy papíru, protože je považují za nezbytné, a nejsou schopni je vyhodit. Pokusil jsem se předložit výsledky mé analýzy mezinárodního obchodu naší společnosti, společně s některými předpověďmi pro budoucí vývoj trhu s kancelářským nábytkem. Maximum = 61 points A: 56.5 – 61 pts D: 41.5 – 46 pts B: 51.5 – 56 pts E: 36.5 – 41 pts C: 46.5 – 51 pts F: less than 36.5 pts. Your total score: points