LIST OF PRESENTATION TOPICS Presentation I. Date: 18.10. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Prepare and give the introduction to this presentation: +------------------------------------------------------------+ |Introduction | |------------------------------------------------------------| |Audience: Company employees | |------------------------------------------------------------| |Subject: SALARY POLICY | |------------------------------------------------------------| | | |------------------------------------------------------------| |1. salary policy | |------------------------------------------------------------| |2. current salary levels | |------------------------------------------------------------| |3. negotiations | |------------------------------------------------------------| |4. comparisons | |------------------------------------------------------------| |5. conclusion: new policy | |------------------------------------------------------------| | | |------------------------------------------------------------| |Purpose: To inform | |------------------------------------------------------------| |Time: 10 minutes | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Presentation II. Date: 18.10. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Prepare and give the introduction to this presentation: +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Introduction | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Audience: Colleagues | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Subject: QUALITY | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |1. Quality control: a definition | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |2. Quality control measures | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |3. Introducing control measures | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |4. Achieving higher quality | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |5. Action: next steps | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Purpose: To discuss | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time: 10 minutes | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Presentation III. Date: 25.10. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Prepare and give the introduction to this presentation: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Introduction | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Audience: Your boss/es | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Subject: PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1. Performance assessment | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |2. Why do we need PA? | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |3. Who do we need it for? | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |4. When do we need it? | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |5. Implementation plan | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Purpose: To persuade | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Time: 10 minutes | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Presentation IV. Date: 25.10. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… You are Head of the Marketing Department of the JMG company, present your marketing plans to a joint venture partner: Main points include: - plans for breaking into future markets - current markets and market shares - overview of company activities and products Presentation V. Date: 1.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… You work for the department of finance of the ASX company. You are presenting your company to a group of potential investors. Main points include: - our strategic objectives and plans for future growth - company history – reasons for your success - financial performance Presentation VI. Date:1.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Use the information below to prepare and give a short presentation on the Dutch-based airline, Air-Inter. More materials provided by the teacher. Presentation VII. Date: 8.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… The Boston Matrix The Boston Product Portfolio Matrix was developed by the Boston Consulting Group. It enables a company to analyse its products in terms of market share and market growth. Convert the chart below (material provided by the teacher) into a Powerpoint presentation and then use it to talk about two of the following products. They are both produced by your company. i. a very successful product that is in a growing market; ii. a successful product that is in a stagnant market; iii. a dying product; iv. a new product which might succeed or fail; Presentation VIII. Date: 8.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Maslow´s Hierarchy Maslow´s hierarchy of needs suggests that human needs exist in ascending order of importance, and that those on one level must be met before those on the next level can be addressed. Convert the chart below (provided by the teacher) into a Powerpoint presentation and then use it to make the following points. i. Human beings have a progressive system of needs; ii. People need to feel secure in the community where they live and work; iii. Members of communities need to feel valued in order to contribute; iv. Employees will achieve their full potential if they feel respected and valued. Presentation IX. Date: 15.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… You are the Fashion4u company spokesperson. You are responsible for press and public relations in this international fashion and cosmetics company. You have organized a presentation/press conference to announce your company´s decision to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer. The new man is called Ben Hammond. He is aged 55, American, and has gained most of his experience in the oil industry. He has a reputation for being a very tough businessman. In your presentation given mainly to journalists you need to anticipate and answer questions in the following areas: 1. His annual salary - $1.75 million (including bonuses); 2. His lack of experience in the fashion industry. 3. The choice of a male CEO in a female-dominated industry. Presentation X. Date: 15.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… You are the Safety Officer at Allo-Chem, a company which produces idustrial chemicals. Following a small leak of potentially dangerous fumes from one of your newest plants, during which 200 people living nearby had to leave their homes for 24 hours, you have organized a public meeting to reassure local residents of your company´s concern for safety. You need to anticipate and answer questions in the following areas: 1. Current safety standards – the plant was only opened last year; 2. Cause fo the leak – equipment failure or human error? 3. The possibility of future leaks. 4. What changes you propose in safety procedures. Presentation XI. Date: 22.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… You are a director of Glamorgan Investment plc., an international finance company. A surprise takeover bid by a major competitor has unexpectedly succeeded. You have therefore organized a meeting with representatives of the company´s 750 employees, to explain the implications of the takeover and to reassure them about the future. You need to anticipate and answer questions in the following areas: 1. The reasons for the takeover – increased benefits for everyone; 2. Possible changes in pay and conditions – possibly some restructuring;) 3. Relocation of staff/offices – on a voluntary basis. 4. Possible job losses – hopefully through voluntary redundancy. Presentation XII. Date: 22.11. Name: ……………………………………………………………………………… Design and give a presentation using the following information: +----------------------------------------------------------+ |Subject: Greening the office | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Audience: All office stafff | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Purpose: To persuade | |----------------------------------------------------------| |Time: 10 minutes | +----------------------------------------------------------+ (additional material will be supplied by the teacher) Presentation XIII and XIV. For two people: (they don´t have to coordinate their work in any way) Date: 29.11. Name: A:……………………………………………………………………………… B: ……………………………………………………………………………… Prestex, a light manufacturing company employing 850 staff, has decided to change its management and operational structure. There are currently nine levels of management between the Managing Director and the shopfloor workers. The company proposes to reduce this to four levels, and to change from production line operations to work cells. Person A gives a presentation where they will present a set of arguments FOR the new arrangement: - employees will feel less alienated from top management - fewer levels means decisions can be made more quickly - employees can feel more involved in decision making - work cells inspire teamwork, are more motivating, and provide more variety Person B gives a presentation where they will present a set of arguments AGAINST the new arrangement. - some more traditional managers may find it more difficult to adjust - managers will feel their previous status is being undermined - the incentive of promotion as a reward for good work will be lost - there may be “empire-building“ in some areas, leading to conflict