Review Test PJI1A Intelligent Business: Unit 2 – Projects +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |--------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 100 points) |(60 points to pass)| | |--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-------| |I. Listening: | |III. Grammar: | | | | |----------------+-----+----------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |IV. Translation:| | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) | | points | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | ------------------------ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions into English: | | (2 points each) | | | | | | | |maximalizovat zajišťovací sumu – _____________________________________________ | | | |předpovídat náklady spuštěného projektu – ______________________________________ | | | |obviňovat subdodavatele ze závad a zpoždění – _____________________________________ | | | |vypracovat proveditelný plán pro mimořádné události – ______________________________ | | | |odvrátit selhání záložních zařízení – ___________________________________________ | | | |schválení předložených požadavků na pracovní sílu – ______________________________ | | | |navrhnout a uskutečnit účinné omezení – _______________________________________ | | | |dostatečně zhodnotit časově náročné výběrové řízení – _____________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: | | (2 points each) | | | |1. a person or group of people who are considered to be an important part of an | |organization because they have responsibility within it or receive advantages from it: | | | | | | | |2. the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to produce goods or provide| |services for that company: | | | | | | | |C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase | |into Czech. (2 points each) | | | | ENDEAVOUR, DEADLINES, SPECIFICS, | | | | KEY FEATURES, ENCOUNTER, SERIES | | | | | | | |1. One of the _________________________ of a well-managed project is its detailed and | | | |perfect organization. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |2. The last public _________________________ of the two CEOs took place at the | | | |engineering trade fair in Vienna, and it was very informal a famous player in the industry. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |3. The project team has to predict any difficulties and its members have to be | |prepared to | | | |solve a _________________________ of complex tasks. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not | |used: (1 point each) | | | | COST – PAY – PASS – STAY | | | | MOVE – FIX – HIT – BUMP UP | | | | | | | |1. ____________________ the objectives means setting final goals that need to be | |achieved. | | | |2. Have you ever been unfair and _________________________ risk to somebody else? | | | |3. It’s estimated that human errors _________________________ the European economy | | | |€30 billion last year. | | | | | | | |E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. | | (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. The management’s __________________________ over the future development is so | | | |big that they haven’t been able to reach any conclusion at all. (AGREE) | | | |2. If you really want to save some money, consider __________________________ some | | | |of your less important business activities. (SOURCE) | | | |3. A new market research will show our company what the __________________________ | | | |to our major difficulty is. (SOLVE) | | | |4. The project has to be finished with all __________________________ no later than | |next | | | |Friday. (DELIVER) | | | |5. Do all of you think that the project of the new robot is | |__________________________? | | | |(DO) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. The CEO’s concern ________ the future development is gone now. | | | |2. Bob has been chosen to oversee ________ the pilot project. | | | |3. Our company took ________ 5 new construction engineers last month! | | | |4. Fortunately, corner-cutting is not peculiar ________ many companies here. | | | |5. Although this supplier isn’t very reliable, we have decided to get ________ with them. | | | |6. The development points ________ more sophisticated electronic systems. | | | | | | | |B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) | | | | | | | |1. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down. | | | |At the time the factory ______________________ Sarah __________________________ | | | |there for five years. | | | |2. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make films. | | | |Mary and Sue ___________________________ since they ________________________. | | | |3. Jane is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has | | | |travelled about 1,000 miles. She will travel additional 2,000 miles before returning home. | | | |By the end of her trip, Jane ______________________________________________ more | | | |than 3,000 miles. | | | | | | | |C. Fill the gaps with the definite article the, indefinite article a(n) or no article: (1 point each) | | | | | | | |Well, as you know, last year we made _______ decision to move our operations to Cambridge, because it’s very important for _______ | |biotechnology companies to recruit _______ scientists from _______ best universities. We’re in _______ very competitive jobs market here in | |Cambridge and we motivate our employees by offering them _______ excellent working conditions. We’ve built up _______ excellent team, and | |we’re doing some very important research in _______ field of _______ gene therapy. | | | | | | | | | | | |D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. | | | | | | (2 points each) | | | |1. _______ Opera House is located on _______ Fourth Avenue in _______ Denver. | | | | A: The ... the ... o/ B: o/ ... o/ ... o/ | | | | C: o/ ... the ... o/ D: The ... o/ ... the | | | |2. _______ President of _______ IMF and _______ Prime Minister Gordon Brown came | | | |to _______ Masaryk University on _______ foot. | | | | A: o/ ... the ... o/ ... the ... o/ B: The ... o/ ... o/ ... the ... o/ | | | | C: The ... the ... o/ ... o/ ... o/ D: o/ ... o/ ... the ... the ... the | | | |3. Harry Potter goes to _______ school in _______ Hogwarts, goes there by _______ train | | | |and reads _______ Daily Prophet. | | | | A: the ... o/ ... the ... the B: the ... o/ ... o/ ... the | | | | C: o/ ... the ... the ... o/ D: o/ ... o/ ... o/ ... o/ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Translate the following sentences into | |English: (8 points | |each) | | | |Vybraný projektový tým se musí ujistit, že zdroje byly správně rozděleny a že náklady nejsou| |navyšovány, protože pokud by stavba nebyla předána včas a v rámci rozpočtu, mohlo by to | |finančně zruinovat celý projekt. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |Předpokládejme, že se naše továrna musí vypořádat s naléhavou situací, kdy zákazník odmítl | |prodloužit konečný termín pro dodání zboží. Jak byste se chopili tohoto problému a jaké | |řešení byste navrhli? | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+