Read this text about the performance of the Ford car company. Complete the text with the verbs from the list below, using the present perfect. moke fall launch be have cut withdraw spend take perform Ford: the road to recovery Although Ford (1)........J?.**.............Äŕ*^£.....operating profits of over $7 billion in its American market this year, the story in Europe (2)..............................................very different. Its market share (3).............................................. from 12% six years ago to only 9% now. The truth is that rivals like Volkswagen and Renault (4)....................... .......................much better over recent years. They (5)..............................................costs and (6)....................... .......................exciting and highly successful new models. In contrast, Ford (7)..............................................its large saloon, the Scorpio, which was not selling well. But Ford (8)..............................................a lot more success at the higher end of the market. Over the last few years it (9)..............................................a lot of money buying brands such as Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land Rover, and these models have much higher profit margins. It (10)..............................................some time to sort out the problems at Jaguar in particular, but it's now a successful part of the business. Look at the graph and read the passage about technology stocks. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple or present perfect. European investors (1).........h&ViL..fe*A:i&.h&d...........(watch) US stock markets nervously over the last few months. The problems with US technology and telecomms stocks (2)..........................................................(begin) last March, and since then share prices at companies like Intel, Apple and Dell (3).......................................................... (crash). Over the summer all these giants (4)..........................................................(announce) lower than expected profits, and investors fear that demand for PCs in the highly developed US market (5)..........................................................(peak). Now it's the turn of European stocks. On Monday stocks in companies like Germany's SAP and Finland's Nokia (6)..........................................................(fall) sharply. SAP (7)..........................................................(be) down 3% in Frankfurt, and Nokia (8)..........................................................(drop) 7% in Helsinki. But there was some good news for investors yesterday. Yahoo! (9)..........................................................(release) figures which showed that in the last quarter revenues (10)..........................................................(rise) to $295 million, up from $115 million a year earlier. Yahoo! relies on online advertising for most of its income, and this year it (11)..........................................................(gain) significant market share in Europe and (12)..........................................................(manage) to achieve the position of top Web-navigation company. Analysts believe that the market (13)..........................................................(not/hit) the bottom yet. Earlier this year investors (14)..........................................................(buy) any Internet stocks that were available, creating a stock market bubble. Now it's just the opposite. Investors (15)..........................................................(become) so nervous that they are selling everything, even if the company is sound and the stock looks cheap. Complete this magazine article by putting the verb in brackets into either the past simple or past perfect. In one case only the past perfect can be used, in five cases only the past simple can be used and in six cases both are possible. On 28 September 2000 the people of Denmark (1) ....YP.ted ... (vote) 'No' to joining the single European currency, the euro. All the main political parties, the trades unions, the employers and the media (2).................. (campaign) for a 'Yes' vote before the referendum. So why (3)....................(the Danes/reject) the euro? Let's look first at the economic background. Foi many years the Danish central bank (4).....................(be) committed THE DANES SAY 'NO' I to keeping the value of the krone stable ■ i against the German mark, and this policy (5)..................... (be) very successful in | maintaining stability and prosperity. Then I the euro was launched in January 1999. In the period after the launch the countries in the euro zone (6)................... (perform) relatively well in economic terms. How ever, by the time of the referendum the euro (7)................... (fall) significantly against the dollar, and the central banks of the USA and Japan (8)................... (be) forced to intervene in the foreign exchange markets to buy euros. But the 'No' campaign (9)................... (focus) on national identity, not economic issues. In the end the Danes (10).................. (make) their decision because they (11).................. (fear) that economic integration would eventually lead to political integration. They (12).................. (want) to keep their independence and freedom. Complete this email from a PA to her boss by putting the verbs in brackets into the future. Choose between will and the present continuous. Use contractions where possible. From: Mira Melisse J To: Pierre Gaudard, Technical Director Sent: 14 March ... >. Subject: Visit to Slovenia , cc: Message: I've booked your flight to Slovenia. You (1) . V_e Icaui^,.. (leave) on Tuesday 3rd at 8.45 in the morning, so you <2) ........................ (arrive) in Ljubljana before lunch. Someone (3) ........................ (be) at the airport to meet you. Your first meeting is with Aleksander Presekar, and you (4) ........................ (see) him at 1 pm at our local office. He (5) ........................ (probably/take) you out to lunch. After lunch you (6) ........................ (not/do) anything until 4 pm, so you (7) ........................ (have) time to go to the hotel. You (8) ........................ (stay) at the Intercontinental, which is in a very central location. I (9) ........................ (go) to the travel agents to pick up the tickets this afternoon, so I (10) ........................ (give) them to you tomorrow. Read this email from Steve, the Purchasing Manager of a UK importer, who is in Poland on a business trip Complete the email by choosing the correct alternative from A, B, C or D below. Attachments From: Steve McGinlay ! To: Mike Evans i Sent: 18 May Subject: Poland i Cc: Message: Mike Sorry I haven't contacted you (1) .....Ľ*.... last week, but I've been very busy. I've (2) ............ to Katowice in the southwest of Poland (3) ............ a few days, and I've (4) ............ returned to my hotel in Warsaw, from where I'm sending this email I visited several firms when I was in Katowice and one of them looks quite promising. I've (5) ............ seen their factory and I've got some product samples to show you. Unfortunately I haven't met the guy in charge (6) ............. He wasn't there — he's (7) ............ to Gdansk and should be back next week. So. the trip has been quite successful (8) ............. Have you (9) ............ been to Central Europe7 Everything is changing very fast - I've (10) ............ seen so much building work going on. Anyway, I'll email you again later in the week to let you know what's happening. Regards. Steve 1 A for B since C just D so far 2 A going B gone C being D been 3 A for B since C already D so far 4 A now B been C just D so far 5 A yet B already C been D gone 6 A just B already C now D yet 7 A going B gone C being D been 8 A so fai B yet C just D now 9 A yet B since C ever D never ! 0 A yet B since C ever D never í omnete this article about the magazine Trme Out by using words from the list be.ow. Decoe .•.-,..-.,.-us. me vcps into the present simple or present continuous. "^ :°0K for move investigate rely wan- orovio'e try Time Out: time to e:>cj__>ax^«dL '»<>.*< London entertainment management ,ime. Elliot, also has plans for space on the Internet site Mm, he maS"""1' haS f'ans t(" mansion. It the website,, which was (7) „* ' , , ' "™*»>............P.WAÍ.............themontMv launched in 199S and (4, .........'".................7 " ^'^ "' „,,„=,,„, p ■ t. • . ll..................................... charging visitors to the site lot access n, maga,ini Pans , assion, and now it information about more than 30 cities. H some information. Despite these ,,„.....,„ '-'..................................... beyond I ranee (o (5) other markets such as Argentina and (apart re\ Tnnl n,. ,, ... ,.,.', , .......-------------'""" '""" »'ärKet is out ot the question. He Torn r-.ll.oti, Imn- i>„! , founder, says he ticket sales to survive. But as Tunc " ■ - other m,rk>, . a ,, °" advertisin8 Plans< Elliot says that a flotation on the stock other markets such as Argentina and ,apan. revenue and a small amount of money from market is out of the n) , , °"f (8) ..................................... to keep control of .'.'..............;...................... '""' P"0("e U> Chan8eS 3"d "Pands, Tony Elliott the business he has built up m.tiate and run the magazines, as /,„„• ,6)..................................... persuade advertisers Ont'i London office doesn't have the cash o r in the printed version to take