Unit 1 – Alliances Reading review 1. Fill in prepositions if necessary: Disney decided to make a bid _____________ a 50% share in Miramax. The CEO will have to digest _____________ the introduction of the new tax system. Taking over computer companies has not gone _____________ fashion yet. Results are heavily influenced _____________ the recession from last year. The financial health of our company lies _____________ the edge of a cliff. Acquisitions are subject _____________ the approval of both the companies. 2. Translate the Czech expression into English: The new investment has _____________________________ (vydělat jmění) for me. Many CEOs did not _____________ (vyhnout se) the mistakes related to portfolio management. A new acquisition in the automotive industry has been __________________ (oznámit) recently. Bosses who are _______________ (přehnaně sebevědomý) usually lose their position sooner or later. 3. Make new words from the given ones: care (noun) → _____________ (adverb) assumption (noun) → _____________ (verb) attempt (noun) → _____________ (verb) diversification (noun) → _____________ (adjective) to describe (verb) → _____________ (noun) tendency (noun) → _____________ (verb)