ARTICLES A. Put a/an, the or – in the spaces. Sometimes there are two possibilities. Bob Collins: A Profile Bob Collins recently become .......... minister in the new government, being appointed ......... Minister for Industry. Mr. Collins has had a varried career. He was ............ professional footballer in ......... 1960´s, some people considering him to be ......... most skilful player of his generation. After a serious injury, he became .......... manager of ............ oldest pub in Edinburgh. Five years later, he was offered the position of ........... executive director of Arcon, one of ......... biggest supermarket chains in ........... country. He became ........ Member of Parliament in 1990. B. Write the where necessary. If the sentence is already correct, put a tick. 1. Can I drive you to University? It´s on my way. 2. When I´m in London, I always go to theatre. 3. Margaret believes that all children should go to church every Sunday. 4. In Sweden, children start school when they are six or seven. 5. Jim´s been in hospital for six weeks now. 6. He lives near church on the hill. 7. She´s going to university to do French. 8. There was a fire at shool in Newton. 9. Even her most dedicated fans wouldn´t call her new play a great work of theatre. 10. Have you heard hospital is going to close? 11. It´s time the children went to bed. 12. He´s been in and out of prison since he left school. C. In each space put a/an, the or - . It has been announced for (1) _____ third consecutive month there has been (2) _____ rise in (3) ______ number of (4) ______ unemployed, rather than (5) _____ fall that had been predicted. (6) ______ rise was blamed on (7) ______ continuing uncertainty over (8) _____ government economic policy, and couldn´t come at (9) _____ worse time for (10) _____ Prime Minister, who is facing (11) _____ growing criticism over (12) ______ way (13) _____ present crisis is being handled. (14) _____ MPs are increasingly voicing (15) _____ fears that despite (16) _____ recent devaluation of (17) _____ pound and cuts in (18) _____ interest rates, (19) _____ government still expects (20) ______ recovery of the economy to take three or even four years. To make (21) _____ matters worse, (22) _____ number of small businesses going into (23) _____ liquidation is still at (24) _____ record level, and (25) _____ housing market is showing no signs of recovery. Some backbenchers expect (26) _____ general election before (27) _____ end of (28) _____ winter unless there is (29) _____ rapid change of (30) _____ fortune.