Unit 10 – Revision o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) osobité místo prodeje – ___________________________________________ spotřební zboží – ________________________________________________ brát v úvahu objem prodeje – _______________________________________ dodat zboží do obchodů – _________________________________________ uvést výrobek na trh – ____________________________________________ to anticipate a consumer’s interest – __________________________________ vigorous hard-selling technique – ____________________________________ to fill an unsatisfied need – _________________________________________ to identify producer goods – ________________________________________ to persuade and defeat competitors – _________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 12 points) goods intended for use as capital goods or intermediate product by producers, rather than for a direct use by a consumer = all the companies or individuals involved in moving a particular good or service from the producer to the consumer = a document published by companies every year including details of activities and financial statements = a promise by a manufacturer or seller to repair or replace defective goods during a certain period of time = o Prepositions: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) the business market exists apart _______ the consumer market to expend one’s effort _______ studying this concept is based _______ the goal _______ satisfying consumers’ needs my ideas were exposed _______ their criticism the product will never reach _______ the target customers o Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) ‘Koncepce prodeje’ předpokládá, že odolávající spotřebitelé musejí být přesvědčováni důraznými technikami tvrdého prodeje, aby si koupili zbytné zboží nebo služby. Způsob a metody distribuce a propagace vlastností výrobků je obvykle výsledkem průzkumu trhu, jenž se snaží identifikovat a uspokojovat potřeby cílových zákazníků. Maximum = 52 points A: 48 – 52 pts D: 36 – 39.5 pts B: 44 – 47.5 pts E: 32 – 35.5 pts C: 40 – 43.5 pts F: less than 32 pts. Your total score: points