Review Test PJI3A English for Business Studies: Unit 6 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |--------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 100 points) |(60 points to pass)| | |--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-------| |I. Listening: | |III. Grammar: | | | | |----------------+-----+----------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |IV. Translation:| | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) | | points | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | ------------------------ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions into English: | | (2 points each) | | | | | | | |zaplnit volné pracovní místo – _______________________________________________ | | | |mít pracovní znalost MS Office – _____________________________________________ | | | |povýšit zaměstnance – ______________________________________________________ | | | |odpovědět na inzerát – _____________________________________________________ | | | |předložit (odevzdat) přihlášku – ______________________________________________ | | | |vyjmenovat pracovní zkušenosti v opačném pořadí – ________________________________ | | | |předběžný užší výběr (seznam postupujících kandidátů) – ______________________________ | | | |najmout absolventy VŠ ekonomického zaměření – ________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: | | (2 points each) | | | |1. to announce or declare an intention to end an agreement or leave employment at a | | | |specified time: | | | | | | | |2. a person who gives information about your character and ability, usually in a | |letter, for | | | |example when you are applying for a job: | | | | | | | |C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase | |into Czech. (2 points each) | | | | OBJECTION, JOB DESCRIPTIONS, SCHOOLING, | | | | JOB VACANCIES, COMMITMENT, EDUCATION | | | | | | | |1. One of the candidates stated in her CV that she did all of her | |______________________ | | | |before 1989. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |2. The consequence of the falling rate of unemployment is a rising number of | |___________ | | | |____________________. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |3. My only ______________________ to the new marketing strategy is the fact that it’s | |very | | | |costly. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not | |used: (1 point each) | | | | REFUND – PROPOSE – SHORT-LIST | | | | PROVIDE – REPLACE – ATTEND – DIMINISH | | | | | | | |1. As far as I know, none of my colleagues has been _________________________ in this | | | |competition. | | | |2. Why are you saying that you are considering _______________________ your secretary?| | | |3. The only person who can ____________________ good testimonials is my current boss. | | | | | | | |E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. | | (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. At high school in Germany I obtained the _____________________ of the English High | | | |School Certificate. (EQUAL) | | | |2. It is _____________________ to list those hobbies that are important for the job | |you are | | | |seeking. (PREFER) | | | |3. I finished my Master’s degree in 2002 and _____________________ I started my PhD | | | |studies. (CONSEQUENCE) | | | |4. Bob is absolutely the most _____________________ candidate for this position! | |(SUIT) | | | |5. My boss supports neither _____________________ action, nor positive discrimination.| | | |(AFFIRM) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. I expect to be promoted ________ a new position. | | | |2. Have you decided to apply ________ the new job yet? | | | |3. It isn’t surprising that James is proud ________ being a successful business person. | | | |4. Include only information which is relevant ________ your future job. | | | |5. Try to be more specific ________ your duties when listing your previous jobs. | | | |6. Everyone is looking ________ work which can offer more money to them. | | | | | | | |B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) | | | | | | | |1. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down. | | | |At the time the factory _________________________ Sarah _______________________ | | | |_____________________ there for five years. | | | |2. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make films. | | | |Mary and Sue __________________________ since they _________________________. | | | |3. Jane is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has | | | |travelled about 1,000 miles. She will travel additional 2,000 miles before returning home. | | | |By the end of her trip, Jane ________________________________ more than 3,000 miles. | | | | | | | |C. Fill the gaps with the definite article the, indefinite article a(n) or no article: (1 point each) | | | | | | | |Well, as you know, last year we made _______ decision to move our operations to Cambridge, because it’s very important for _______ | |biotechnology companies to recruit _______ scientists from _______ best universities. We’re in _______ very competitive jobs market here in | |Cambridge and we motivate our employees by offering them _______ excellent working conditions. We’ve built up _______ excellent team, and | |we’re doing some very important research in _______ field of _______ gene therapy. | | | | | | | |D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. | | | | | | (2 points each) | | | |1. _______ Opera House is located on _______ Fourth Avenue in _______ Denver. | | | | A: The ... the ... o/ B: o/ ... o/ ... o/ | | | | C: o/ ... the ... o/ D: The ... o/ ... the | | | |2. _______ President of _______ IMF and _______ Prime Minister Gordon Brown came | | | |to _______ Masaryk University on _______ foot. | | | | A: o/ ... the ... o/ ... the ... o/ B: The ... o/ ... o/ ... the ... o/ | | | | C: The ... the ... o/ ... o/ ... o/ D: o/ ... o/ ... the ... the ... the | | | |3. Harry Potter goes to _______ school in _______ Hogwarts, goes there by _______ train | | | |and reads _______ Daily Prophet. | | | | A: the ... o/ ... the ... the B: the ... o/ ... o/ ... the | | | | C: o/ ... the ... the ... o/ D: o/ ... o/ ... o/ ... o/ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Translate the following sentences into | |English: (8 points | |each) | | | |Uvědomuji si, že má kvalifikace pravděpodobně není nejlepší, ale zajímám se obzvlášť o místo| |v oddělení lidských zdrojů. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |Naše společnost se může rozhodnout pro jednu z mnoha možností: buď nenahrazovat osobu, která| |odešla, ale pozměnit jiná pracovní místa, nebo inzerovat volné pracovní místo na internetu a| |najmout si pracovní agenturu, která by nám pomohla najít nového zaměstnance. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+