Review Test PJI3A English for Business Studies: Unit 7 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |--------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 100 points) |(60 points to pass)| | |--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-------| |I. Listening: | |III. Grammar: | | | | |----------------+-----+----------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |IV. Translation:| | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) | | points | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | ------------------------ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions into English: | | (2 points each) | | | | | | | |nezbytnost kolektivního vyjednávání – _________________________________________ | | | |úmyslné přerušení práce – ___________________________________________________ | | | |litovat slabosti odborů – ____________________________________________________ | | | |odmítnout sociální smír – ___________________________________________________ | | | |stávkovat kvůli pracovní době – ______________________________________________ | | | |uvolnit omezující zákony – __________________________________________________ | | | |zastupovat a formulovat potřeby zaměstnanců – ___________________________________ | | | |aktivně podporovat sdružování v odborech – ____________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: | | (2 points each) | | | |1. all the services and industries owned by local and national governments: | | | | | | | |2. intentional obeying every regulation in an organization, which severely disrupts | |normal operations: | | | | | | | |C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase | |into Czech. (2 points each) | | | | SOCIAL UNIONS, EARNINGS, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, | | | | EXPENDITURES, ADEVRSARIES, TYRANNY, DEREGULATION | | | | | | | |1. The CEO’s income belongs to the top 2% of Czech ______________________. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |2. All physicians have to be members of their _______________________________ if they | | | |want to do their jobs. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |3. We treat our competitors as ______________________ in business relations. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not | |used: (1 point each) | | | | ACCEPT – LAY OUT – SECURE – DIMINISH | | | | ENSURE – PLAY – NEED – LAY OFF – FOLLOW | | | | | | | |1. Right-wing governments usually try _____________________ the power of trade unions.| | | |2. __________________ fair wages for their members is one of the key activities of | |unions. | | | |3. Do you know how many people will _____________________ this year? | | | |4. The presence of trade unions _____________________ as a necessary thing nowadays. | | | | | | | |E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. | | (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. The _____________________ politics of some unions has been quickly rejected. | | | |(CONFRONT) | | | |2. All union members require _____________________ working hours. (REASON) | | | |3. Preservation of totally _____________________ jobs is just nonsense. (ECONOMY) | | | |4. Their _____________________ have far exceeded the national average this year. | | | |(EARN) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: | | (1 point each) | | | |1. I expect the unions to go __________ strike soon. | | | |2. The current leaders are incapable __________ representing employees. | | | |3. Workers are organized __________ skills in trade unions. | | | |4. Our factory will have to deal __________ many problems if there is a strike. | | | |5. A reduction ________ the rate ________ production is a possible form of protesting. | | | |6. ________ top ________ low salaries, Chinese workers have bad working hours too. | | | | | | | |B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. | | (3 points each) | | | |1. Helen is short-sighted. She left her glasses at school and therefore she didn’t see | |you. | | | |Helen ________________________________________ you as she didn’t have her glasses. | | | |2. Maggie wanted to come to the party but her parents didn’t let her go. | | | |Maggie ________________________________________________________ to the party. | | | |3. It was my choice to decide whether to eat the food or not. And I ate it. | | | |I _______________________________________________________________ the food. | | | | | | | |C. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs and other words in brackets:: | | (1 point each) | | | |We’ve been preparing for the new competitor hard so I think we _____________________ (should,| |succeed) when they start their operation here. It’s true that it wasn’t necessary to hire new| |staff and also, we ______________________________ (needn’t, introduce) the three-shift | |system. But we said to ourselves: “We _________________ ___________________ (mustn’t, | |underestimate) the new company!” and I think we didn’t. We _______________________________ | |(might, even, expand) to other countries in the future to become stronger but in my opinion | |we ______________ ______________ (needn’t, do) it this year. Unfortunately, we | |__________________ ________________ (have to, dismiss) some office workers soon. Probably we| |________________________ (might, tell) them before that their positions are not certain I | |guess. But we _______________________________ (can, offer) them really good leaving | |conditions! They _________________________________ (might, be able, get) some paid days off| |too. | | | | | | | |D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct | |answers is 0 – 4. | | | | | | | | (2 points each) | | | |1. Microsoft is so big that they _____________ worry about their market share. | | | | A: don’t have to B: mustn’t | | | | C: don’t need to D: needn’t | | | |2. I’m sorry but I _____________ a year ago that the demand would be so high! | | | | A: cannot know B: couldn’t have| |known | | | | C: can’t have known D: can have known | | | |3. My subordinates _____________ leave their workplace now. | | | | A: are not allowed to B: are not able to| | | | C: can’t D: | |mustn’t | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Translate the following sentences into | |English: (8 points | |each) | | | | | | | |Zdá se, že francouzští pracující odmítli konfrontační přístup hlavních odborů a důsledkem | |bylo to, že Francie má nejnižší počet zaměstnanců organizovaných v odborech v průmyslových | |zemích světa. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |Vedení ztratilo kontrolu nad společností, nemělo sílu k nabírání a propouštění zaměstnanců a| |muselo vyplácet mzdu 200 pracovníků, kteří ve společnosti vlastně vůbec nepracovali. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+