Review Test PJI3A English for Business Studies: Unit 9 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Name: | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Teacher: | TOTAL | | |--------------------------------------------| | MARK | | Number of points (max. 100 points) |(60 points to pass)| | |--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-------| |I. Listening: | |III. Grammar: | | | | |----------------+-----+----------------+----| | | |II. Vocabulary: | |IV. Translation:| | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |I. Listening: (max. 20 points) | | points | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | ------------------------ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |A. Translate the following expressions into English: | | (2 points each) | | | | | | | |klesající tržby a ziskovost – __________________________________________________ | | | |zaplnit skulinu na trhu – ____________________________________________________ | | | |oslabovat maloobchodníky – _________________________________________________ | | | |rostoucí podíl na trhu – _____________________________________________________ | | | |uvést výrobek na trh – ______________________________________________________ | | | |získávat finanční prostředky – ________________________________________________ | | | |nápadná podobnost – ______________________________________________________ | | | |využít úvěrové možnosti – __________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | |B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: | | (2 points each) | | | |1. consumers who buy various competing products rather than sticking to a particular | |brand: | | | | | | | |2. an intermediary between producers and retailers; a business that buys, stores, and | |resells goods to retailers or organizational buyers: | | | | | | | |C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase | |into Czech. (2 points each) | | | | LINE-STRETCHING, BRAND, MARKETER, GUARANTEE, | | | | NICHE, RETAILER, LINE-FILLING, PROFITABILITY | | | | | | | |1. We have to focus on ________________________ by offering more types and variations | | | |of our current products. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |2. Our ________________________ is falling; we’ll have to rationalize our operations. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |3. We are the dominant equipment seller in this ________________________ but we don’t | | | |earn much money on it. | | | | In Czech: _____________________________________ | | | | | | | |D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not | |used: (1 point each) | | | | INVENT – FOLLOW – AUGMENT – SUCCEED | | | | UTILIZE – COMPETE – BE THROUGH – DESIGN | | | | | | | |1. Unfortunately, our company hasn’t ___________________ its excess capacity. | | | |2. I choose between various ___________________ products so I’m not loyal to one | |brand. | | | |3. I have no idea why this product ___________________ worldwide last year. | | | |4. This product line won’t be extended but it ___________________ by another one next | | | |spring. | | | | | | | |E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. | | (1 point each) | | | | | | | |1. A logo usually contains a distinctive _________________________ of a trade mark. | | | |(LETTER) | | | |2. The _________________________ was given new ideas from other concerned people. | | | |(INVENT) | | | |3. Is there a possibility of paying for the goods over an _________________________ | |time | | | |period? (EXTEND) | | | |4. To be honest, I have no brand _________________________ in this matter. | | | |(PREFER) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) | | | |1. Is this the company that can be found _________ the bottom of the range? | | | |2. I have never been loyal _________ any brand. | | | |3. These products are _________ different stages _________ their life cycles. | | | |4. The CEO’s statement can refer _________ many different things. | | | |5. My office is _________ your disposal while I’m not here. | | | |6. The public holds _________ large negative beliefs _________ this organization. | | | | | | | |B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) | | | |1. Jack didn’t register for the course with us and therefore he cannot take the exam. | | | |If Jack _______________________________________________________________, he __________________________________________________. | | | |2. I’m leaving for a business trip tonight so I didn’t come to the party yesterday. | | | |I ______________________________ if I _______________________________ tonight. | | | |3. My son isn’t clever and therefore he didn’t pass the university entrance exam. | | | |My son _____________________________________ if he _______________________. | | | | | | | |C. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs and other words in brackets:: (1 point each) | | | |Most producers _____________________ (not, LIKE) brand-switchers because these people _________________________ (never, be) loyal to a | |single brand. This phenomenon ______ ____________________________ (not, represent) a big problem in the past but as the competition | |_______________________ (become) more severe, companies __________ _____________________ (want, change) this. If they | |_________________________ (decide, act) a decade ago, consumers _____________________ (have) the awareness of their brands at present. | |However, the question still remains the same: What _____________ _________________ (happen) if the competition ___________________________ | |(become) even more severe in ten or twenty years from now? | | | | | | | |D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. | | | | | | (2 points each) | | | |1. ‘Would you like to have ________ tea?’ ‘No, thanks, I’ll have ________ biscuits instead.’ | | | | A: a little ... some B: little ... much | | | | C: much ... a few D: some ... a little | | | | | | | |2. I dislike ________ of the two proposals. ________ of them are very naive. | | | | A: neither ... all B: either ... all | | | | C: either ... both D: neither ... both | | | | | | | |3. ________ solution was made in ________ romantic place. | | | | A: so ... such a B: quite ... rather a | | | | C: such a ... quite D: such a ... quite a | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | |IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Translate the following sentences into | |English: (8 points | |each) | | | | | | | |Někteří marketingoví pracovníci si nedávno všimli, že firmy často prodlužují své sortimentní| |skupiny, aby dosáhli na nové zákazníky, ale nebyli schopni vysvětlit, proč zákazníci nejsou | |věrní určité značce. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |Prodejci ani kupující nemají rádi tuto formu distribuce a tudíž si myslí, že forma | |distribuce je největší nevýhodou a nejdůležitějším důvodem, proč tento výrobek neuspěje po | |celém světě. | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | |_________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+