Writing an Essay 1. write an essay on one of the topics below, consisting of 200 – 250 words 2. hand in the assignment typed and double-spaced 3. indicate clearly which topic you have chosen 4. your writing should be neat, concise and well-organised with all the important parts (i.e., introduction to the problem, discussion, and summary) 5. the deadline for handing in the task is on Wednesday, October 31; without this assignment you will not be eligible for getting the credit 6. you can hand in the task sooner but not later 7. in case you have questions or doubts, feel free to contact me Milan Boháček Topics to choose from: All the topics are to be found in your textbook (MacKenzie, I.: English for Business Studies): 1. Write a short summary of you opinions regarding big and small companies, explaining which you prefer to work for (or would prefer to work for in the future) – ex.3b/p.27 of your course book 2. Why are there so few women in senior managerial positions? Should this situation change? If so, do you think it will change? How? When? – ex.2a/p.46 of your coursebook 3. Do some research and write a history of unions in your country. – ex.2e/p.52 of your coursebook 4. Imagine that you are responsible for promoting one of the given products/services and that you have a generous budget to be able to employ several different tactics. Describe your promotional strategy, the ways and tools you would use to promote it. – ex.2e/p.77 of your course book 5. Imagine that a relative, who knows very little about finance, asks you to invest $ 10, 000 for her in a portfolio of investments, but insists that she only wants her money invested in “wholly ethical companies”. Using the list of activities in your coursebook try to rule out a company as a possible investment. – ex.2f/p.95 of your course book