15 CONDITIONALS Tests A Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. . , -f know how it s made. 1 What's a miracle? Well, popcorns a miracle if you _ a didn't b don't c won't d wouldn't von can so on to 2 Some of you may have already completed section one. __ —.7 section two. a If so blfvoudo c If you may d If not „ , , , ,,„ u. sometimes take us swimming. J In summer, if my dad finished work early, he _ a is b was e will d would . , . . , finish m» coffee before we leave. 4 If you don t mind, 1-------------------------- a would b would have c would like d would rather 5 lf thev,d __________Justin more time, he'd have been able to do a better job. a give b giving c given d gave Blden,fv.heoneu11der,inedeXpression,A,B,CorD„hatmustbechang8dinorderto correct the sentence. , If, „„ ,ate, rhev usually m^e. me sffl ** "*»"* •»»< ^ t0 d° «*" h0n,eW°rk' 2 We mL maintain a system of law, and ^ a police force. H we dop,, the criminals y^uld A soon be in charge. 3 rm nor the kind of person who ^ around thm^g if only I hrp done th,s or that, i just M luck)'. 4 Things wülbe better if 1HÜUS * Job and «p some money so I oWti^ to l.ve with my A B *" parents. 5 The Czech Republic's top genera! h^yypd staff officers tJn^^llte their jobs ii^nW thev aWtieam English, according to a story in the Daily Telegraph. C Complete this paragraph, adapted from a novel, with one suitable word in each space. . - , I throw this pie at him, , ,ooted at the pie ;«ing right there ,n tront of me. , ^^^^ ^ hc ,_, love I thought to myself, he (23 _ me It hit me with a shimmering clarity: that was all there was to it. It ,3.. he was crazy. It didn't matter it I IS) . matter 141______-----------------'"= «™ "-1--------- hu or suilty. Nothing mattered except that he didn t love me. It 116)--------------_— , hL he wiľl never love me. But he doesn't love me anyway. So I can throw the p,e ,ant to. I picked up the pie, thanked God for the linoleum floor, and 17> ' W threw it. .Compieteeachofthesentencesinsuchawavthatitisass.miiaraspossibieinmeaning to the sentence above it. , The party is not likely to happen because no one is w^totóp. Unless______-----■-----■— ULltccsa____.—.—--------■--------- 2 she didn't escape injury, she wasn't wearing a crash helmet If only--------------------------- ~TTT 3 I still loved her despite the fact that she could be very difficult. Even though____^---------------------------" " ~TTT^ 4 we're leaving tomorrow if you l.ke the idea or if you don't litetheide. Whether-------------------------------- 5 I arrived late; the traffic was so bad. Tm sorry, but if----------------------- E Complete this text with the following clauses if he loses ,f anyone asked me if he wins if he does that if he doesn't really fight if that is the result unless he's an idiot if that happens to him , 1 would Boxing, men and women dorft make ^^^1^^^^ with a woman. say that there are three reasons why a man should never ge^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ The hrst is that, (2,------------------i^stTeTbülly. The second is that, W----------------------' they will say he was beaten up by a woman. 141 — helist be verv weak. The only other possible outcome s a draw. "— ''e^Usaythathemusthavebeenonlypretending-^tand (6)__________________---------y , he must be a cheat and reasons. 195