Verb constructions:

p. 192-193

Exercise 10

1. Three of the bank´s employees were accused yesterday of buying share while in possession of inside information.

2. Thre treasurer admitted to losing/that he had lost $10,000 of the company´s money in a Las Vegas casino.

3. The consultant advised the company to restructure its middle management.

4. The managment agreed to show the documents to the trade union representatives.

5. Buying just one ordinary share will allow you/its holder to vote at the Annual General Meeting.

6. The production manager apologized for arriving late for the meeting.

7. I have arranged to come back at short notice if any problems arise during my holiday.

8.Because of the cash flow crisis, the company attempted to borrow a further $100,000.

9. The company´s staff were asked to avoid speaking to journalists.

10. We are not aware of losing any customers because of these delays.

11. The company believes in distributing profits among both staff and shareholders.

12. Quality problems were blamed for the company losing 20% of its market share.

13. The new factory must be capable of producing a range of different products.

14. I hate fog. I can´t stand waiting for hours at airports.

15. Despite the mixed market research reports, we are going to carry on developing this product.

16. The R&D department complained about losing 10% of its budget.

17. Rather than diversifying, we are going to concentrate on making our traditional products.

18. I would like to thank all of you for contributing to increasing our sales this past year.

19. OK, you have convinced me to stay with the company.

20. We cannot count on remaining market leader for ever.

Exercise 11

1. We have delayed introducing the product until New Year.

2. The advertising department denied misleading the public about the product.

3. Because of our huge advertising budget, competitors are deterred from entering the market.

4. This joint venture will enable us to enter the Chinese market.

5. Do you really enjoy working 50 hours a week?

6. The company failed to increase its sales in the first quarter of the year.

7. The government wants to forbid companies (from) advertising alcoholic products on television.

8. I forgot to arrange the meeting with the suppliers.

9. Many middle managers say they are frightened of losing their jobs.

10. We´ll probably give up sending publicity material to schools and universities.

11. We guarantee to provide free after-sales service for two years.

12. You had better check those figures before the meeting on Monday.

13. The new law should help investors (to) understand a company´s financial situation more easily.

14. You really ought to enquire about joining the employers´ association.

15. The union representative insisted on speaking to the managing director.

16. The company is interested in expanding into Latin American markets.

17. The marketing department is keen on increasing the proportion of sales on credit.

18. We intend to let each subsidiary decide for itself.

19. In the hope that my proposition will interest you, I look forward to/am looking forward to hearing from you.

20. The law on partnership is designed to make professional people act responsibly.

Exercise 12

1. Would you mind sharing an office with Mr Vile?

2. We all have to participate in improving the quality of our customer service.

3. We are not permitted to use comparative advertising.

4. If you persist in arriving at work at 10 o´clock, your contract will be terminated.

5. Your job is to persuade politicians to accept our industry´s proposals.

6. We promise to refund dissatisfied customers within 30 days.

7. The company was punished for breaking health and safety regulations.

8. Two years on, we regret abandoning the North African market.

9. Because of the recession at home, we now rely on making profits abroad.

10. I remember starting work there at the age of 16.

11. Did you remember to post the invitations to the Christmas party?

12. We will probably start producing/ to produce the new model within 18 months.

13. We are still struggling to restore sales to their 1999 level.

14. You will never succeed in getting a job with a CV that looks as bad as that.

15. He was suspected of selling information to a rival company.

16. She is used to working late in the evening, if necessary.

17. I was never trained to operate this machinery.

18. The bank undertakes to buy any bonds for which they cannot find purchasers.

19. She used to work late in the evenings when she ran the development project.

20. I would rather earn less money and have a shorter working week.