Advanced Grammar in Use Unit 30, Exercises, page 61 30.2 Complete these sentences using an appropriate form of a verb from (i), a preposition from (ii) (you will need to use some of these more than once), and an –ing form from (iii). (i) adjust close concentrate hear own up rely start out stop (ii) by from of on to (iii) closing driving getting playing sailing smoking thanking winning 1 I need to hand in the essay tomorrow, so I’ve got to concentrate on getting it finished today. 2 I’d like to ___________________________________ all those responsible for organising what has been a very successful conference. 3 Many visitors to Britain find it difficult at first to ________________________________ on the left. 4 The injury _____________________ him _______________________________ tennis for 6 months. 5 Charles Hall __________________________________ a small dinghy on the local lake, and he has now completed a single-handed yacht journey around the world. 6 You shouldn’t ___________________________________ the lottery to solve your financial problems. 7 The first I _______________________ the factory _________________________ was on the radio last night. 8 Although they first denied it, the boys eventually ________________________________ in the school playground. 30.3 Consider which verb form is more likely and why, and underline it. 1 I heard the tyre burst/bursting and then the lorry skidded across the road. 2 Karl noticed someone watch/watching him from an upstairs window. 3 She felt the bee sting/stinging her just before she brushed it off her arm. 4 With a good telescope you can see the eagles feed/feeding their chicks in the nest. Unit 31, Exercises, page 63 31.1 Choose one of the verbs in brackets to complete each sentence. 1 (threatened / told) a My mother __________________ me to throw away my old toys. b My mother __________________ to throw away my old toys. 2 (allowed / offered) a They __________________ to visit Janet in hospital b They __________________ us to visit Janet in hospital. 3 (managed / persuaded) a I __________________ to carry the heavy boxes up the stairs. b I __________________ Nigel to carry the heavy boxes up the stairs. 4 (agreed / encouraged) a She __________________ Jack to help in the garden. b She __________________ to help in the garden. 5 (pretended / reminded) a I ___________________ her to tidy up the house. b I ___________________ to tidy up the house. 6 (advised / hoped) a Brian ___________________ to study economics at university. b Brian ___________________ me to study economics at university. 31.2 Complete the sentences with a preposition in the first space and one of the following verbs in the second. Use either a to-infinitive or passive form of the to-infinitive. bring do finish get off lend lose provide release stay 1 I knew I could count on you to lend me some money. 2 Mary felt ill and she longed _____________ the meeting _____________________ so that she could go home. 3 I will never give up campaigning ______________ my brother __________________ from prison. I know he is innocent. 4 He signalled ____________ the waiter _____________________ the bill. 5 She kept on ____________ me ____________________ the weight, so I’ve gone on a diet. 6 The earthquake has left many thousands homeless and the government has appealed ______________ aid agencies ____________________ tents, blankets and food. 7 I screamed ______________ the children _____________________ the railway line. 8 The shower isn’t working in my hotel room. I’ll have to ask _____________ something _________________ about it. 9 Following the fire at the chemical factory, the police called _____________ people ___________________ in their houses with their windows closed. 31.3 Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences with verb+negative to-infinitive/negative –ing form, verb+to have+past participle or verb+having +past participle. 1 I _____________________ anyone Jack’s address. (agree – not tell) 2 The prisoners _____________________ through a broken window last night. (think – escape) 3 I _____________________ him at the conference. (not recall – see) 4 He _____________________ any stolen property. (deny – receive) 5 He ______________________ as the person who donated the money. (ask – not name) 6 The Etruscans ____________________ in Italy in the 8^th or 9^th century BC. (believe – arrive) 7 I am sure my purse was on the table a few minutes ago, but now it ______________________ . (seem – disappear) 8 She _______________________ all the way back home. (not feel like – walk) Additional Exercises, page 233 Underline the correct alternatives. Sometimes both are possible. 1 He insisted to pay / on paying for the meal. 2 The interviewer started off to ask / by asking me why I wanted the job. 3 I can clearly recall his saying / him saying that he was meeting Sarah at eight o’clock. 4 The university has arranged / appointed Dr Charles to be head of the new Medical Institute. 5 I knew I could ask / count on Philip if I needed any help. 6 My parents are always going on at me to tidy / for to tidy up my bedroom. 7 The ticket enables you visiting / to visit both the museum and the art gallery. 8 Karen is so small that she often has to resort to wearing children’s clothes / children’s clothes to get the right size. 9 We objected to their cat / their cat’s digging up our garden. 10 The government plans to bring in new laws forcing / making parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. 11 I don’t approve of her smoking / smoking. 12 Johnson was arrested when he failed him to appear / to appear in court. 13 If you have any problems with the computer, contact Simon. It’s best if you allow / let him deal with it. 14 I’ve heard a lot about Dr James, and I’m looking forward to hearing / to hear his talk tomorrow. 15 Although Patricia is a doctor herself, it doesn’t entitle her to / entitle for her to special treatment, and she will have to join the waiting list like everyone else. 16 We waited / waited for the storm to pass before we continued. 17 When I was in the supermarket I noticed a man to take / noticed a man take some food off the shelf and hide it in his coat. 18 We invited / refused Liz to come to the party. 19 I overheard her tell / telling Jack that she was seriously ill. 20 She gave up work so that she could focus on looking / look after her children. 21 We were unhappy in England, and even discussed / talked of emigrating to New Zealand. 22 The lizard is amazingly well adapted to live / to living in very dry and windy conditions. 23 An increase in the price of petrol would discourage me from using / from using my car.