A. Don't forget to put in a preposition if necessary. 1. I look forward (go) to London. 2. I don't mind (go) by boat. 3. At one stage I thought (become) a sailor, but I missed the opportunity (join) the Navy and am now accustomed (live) a quiet life. 4. Actually, it was my father who prevented me (work) on a ship and who sent me back to school. 5. John succeeded (solve) the puzzle. 6. Bill insisted (be) present. 7. I am used (get) up early. 8. Harry is interested (talk) to Julia. 9. I am tired (listen). 10. Jane is keen (dance). B. GERUND, INFINITIVE with TO or INFINITIVE without TO? Don't forget to put in a preposition if necessary. 1. I want you (apologize) for your bad behaviour. 2. I look forward (see) you. 3. You had better (go) home. 4. The general ordered his soldiers (attack) the town. 5. Excuse me for making you (write) these silly sentences. 6. I disapprove (you, watch) TV every night. 7. Woody Allen used (live) in this house. 8. I'm used (work) hard. 9. I dream (go) to San Francisco and (spend) some time in Fisherman's Wharf. 10. It's no use (apologize) now. C. GERUND or INFINITIVE with STOP, REMEMBER, FORGET, ... 1. I had to ask the boys to stop (make) a noise. 2. Yesterday I met your brother and I remember (hear, he, say) that the grass needed (cut). 3. Julia: 'I gave you an urgent letter yesterday. Did you remember (post) it on your way home?' Bill: 'I remember (go) into the post-office for some stamps, but even then, I'm afraid, I forgot (post) it.' 4. Julia: 'What was the lecture like?' Bill: 'I regret (say) that it was very boring. However, I don't regret (go) there as I met a lot of friends.' 5. We had been walking for a long time; as we were very tired, we stopped (have) a picnic. 6. They don't allow (shout) in the corridors of this hospital, and remember that they don't allow people (smoke) either. 7. Did you really mean (punish) your pupils for (be) five minutes late? 8. You'll never regret (give) them a hand. 9. Did you remember (book) seats for the theatre tomorrow? - Sorry, I forgot (do) it. 10. I wish the car would stop (make) that noise. D. GERUND or INFINITIVE? (more difficult sentences) 1. Nobody minds (they, sing) in the bath, but I'd prefer (they, not sing) in the classroom. 2. He prefers (read) letters ..... (write) them. 3. I'd hate (have to do) this exercise again. 4. My parents do not approve (I, be) out late at night. 5. They prevented (I, make) a stupid mistake. 6. I object (you, want) (help) my friend. 7. He used (mind) (go) to school. 8. I hate (must) (get up) early. 9. I am busy (try) (make) him (write) these sentences. 10. Busby was accused (be) a murderer. 1. I want (you, type) two letters. 2. He would like (they, send) back the order form. 3. She wishes (we, drive) through the town centre. 4. This coffee is too hot (I can't drink it). 5. Please show the new pupils where they should put their coats. 6. The teacher warned (we, not, be) lazy. 7. Mother lets (we, watch) TV, but Father doesn't. 8. Mother allows (we, watch) TV, but Father doesn't. 9. We would rather (go) to the cinema. 10. These exercises are too difficult (they cannot understand them).