Review Test PJI3A Market Leader: Units 1 - 3 Name: Teacher: TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK Number of points (max. 100 points) I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) mimořádné podmínky dodání – exceptional delivery terms vlastnictví aktiv – assets ownership přispívat k nárůstu veřejných výdajů – to contribute to the increase in public spending výcvik určený k udržení talentů – training designed to retain talents nevhodný a necitlivý postoj – inappropriate and insensitive attitude založit teorii na nesprávném předpokladu – to base a theory on a wrong assumption přizpůsobit tempo projevu – to adjust the pace of delivery náklady na údržbu a provoz – the costs of maintenance and operations doplňující se funkce rozličných systémů – complementary functions of various systems B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. the practice of letting poor countries not pay back what they owe to rich countries: debt relief, debt forgiveness 2. new markets, or markets in the early stages of development: emerging markets C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) BRAND RECOGNITION, CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT, TUITION FEES, OUTSOURCING - WIN-WIN, FULL-BLOWN, POWER SUPPLIES, 1. The negotiations ended up in a win-win situation as both the supplier and the contractor were able to make concessions. In Czech: oboustranně výhodná situace 2. The public private partnerships used to relate to outsourcing services like catering or cleaning in hospitals. Nowadays, many private companies make investments into the public sector. In Czech: využívání externích služeb 3. To give all those who might be interested in attending the course a fair chance, tuition fees are calculated according to the GDP of each particular country. In Czech: školné, poplatky za výuku D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) LOOK INTO – COPE WITH – LAG BEHIND STICK TO – DROP OUT – BREAK AWAY FROM 1. Many students drop out of college after only one year of study. 2. E-learning represents a way of breaking away from traditional methods of teaching. 3. John specialises in setting up mentoring programmes and in his latest research he is looking into ways in which mentors communicate with mentees. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The reasonable cost structure and flexible curriculum offers a huge incentive for working professional. (REASON) 2. Gestures, facial expressions, movements and use of space may all become areas for misinterpretation with international audiences. (INTERPRETE) 3. You will have to simplify some of the sentences in your presentation to make sure everyone in the audience can follow. (SIMPLE) 4. The prices of electricity are unaffordably high in many African countries, especially in those where governments forbid the building of intermediate electricity systems. (AFFORD) 5. The company has become a notable factor in generating employment opportunities for local people. (NOTE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. The long term financing in developing countries is usually in dollars or euros. 2. We called the meeting off as the CEO’s flight had been delayed and he would not have managed to get back to the office in time. 3. The amount we spent on the project exceed the original budget. 4. The eMBA course has proven especially popular with Indian students. 5. We have been provided with the summary of his presentation in this handout. 6. It should not be necessary to point out the need to check the bookings. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. We are investing thousands of euros into research before we set off the project. By the time we set off the project, we will have invested thousands of euros into research. 2. He is making conclusions based on the feedback he gets from the people in the boardroom. Conclusions are being made based on the feedback he gets from the people in the boardroom. 3. These reforms will significantly reduce government spending. These reforms will make a significant reduction in government spending. C. Fill the gaps with the definite article the, indefinite article a(n) or no article: (1 point each) So far we have benefited from establishing the e-learning environment in Asian countries. Last year, it contributed significantly to the increase in the number of students who signed/had signed up for the e-courses that we have been running for four years now. New courses are being prepared now by many prestigious schools to attract more working professionals who are/were not enabled to devote their time to studying at brick-and-mortar universities as they had to start working/to work straight after secondary schools. By 2025 e-learning will have become the most widely spread form of education. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. We succeeded _______ the contract after the partner company _______ the assessment of the rating company. A: signing, has provided B: in signing, had provided C: to sign, had been provided with D: to sign, had provided 2. Since the late 1990s, the government _______ private construction companies _______ new schools and hospitals. A: has used, to build B: used, to build C: has used, on building D: has been used, in building 3. The new database _______ information on which projects_______ , who owns and built them and what their capital values is. A: would supply, have been signed B: will supply, have been signed C: supplies, are signing D: will be supplied, will be signed IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Obsah a struktura přednášek jsou sice důležité, ale stejně tak je podstatné nepodcenit důležitost prostředí, ve kterém má být řeč přednesena. Proto se doporučuje detailně prostudovat kulturní odlišnosti konkrétní země předem. The content and the structure of presentations may be important, but so it is not to underestimate the importance of the environment where the speech is to be presented/delivered. That is why it is advisable to tap into /look into the cultural differences of the particular country beforehand/in advance. Kritici spolupráce mezi soukromými podniky a veřejnou složkou tvrdí, že jsou takové projekty určeny k tomu, aby vytvářely co největší zisky pro soukromé subjekty. Nicméně připouštějí, že čas potřebný k realizaci bývá obvykle kratší. The critics of partnerships between private companies and the public sector claim that these projects are designed to generate as much profit as possible for the private entities. They admit, however, that time necessary for implementation is usually reduced.