Seminární skupiny PJI3A/8, PJI3A/13 - Jazyk I/3 - Angličtina - Lucie Fialová
Additional HW for 24 Sept
Dear students
please find scanned materials "U1 - Business Use advanced - U 27,46,47 - scanned doc" in my yellow file "Seminar groups - Lucie Fialova"
and do the following:
1) print it out (or make a copy of units 27, 46, 47 Business Vocabulary in Use - advanced /available: library/)
2) study the units /vocab, .../ using the material in Excel format "Povinný doplňkový studijní materiál" available in "Studijni materialy" - related to Unit 1 Market Leader+units 27,46,47 from Business Vocabulary in Use
3) complete the exercises in units 27,46,47
Thank you for your continuous preparation :)