C:\TEMP\summarising.doc Last saved 9/02/04 To summarise text write the main points in your own words. Leave out details, examples and your own opinion. A summary should be: 1. Complete i.e. it should cover all of the main points from the original. 2. Concise i.e. it should avoid repetition. 3. Coherent i.e. it should flow and make sense by being in clearly linked sentences, not note form. 4. Independent i.e. it should be written in your own words. HOW TO SUMMARISE A. SUMMARISING BRIEF TEXTS 1. Write a one-sentence summary of each paragraph. 2. Develop one sentence that summarises the whole text i.e. the main thesis/idea. 3. Begin the summary with the overall summary sentence, then include the paragraph summary sentences in a coherent logical sequence. 4. If necessary rearrange and rewrite so it is clear and complete and coherent. B. SUMMARISING LONGER TEXTS 1. Do the same as above, but begin by outlining the text. Break it down into the main sections. 2. Check that the meaning is the same as the original. 3. Use quotation marks (} ~) for original/specialist phrases you have used from the original. SOURCES: Hunter College Writing Centre http://myst.hunter.cuny.edu/~rwcenter/writing/on-line/summary.html http://www.unilearning.net.au/LC/unilearning_Resources/summpara.html