Complete the table. ACTION PERSON THING 1 apply 2 __________________ 3 __________________ 4 __________________ 5 __________________ 6 __________________ 7 __________________ 8 criticize 9 use 10 _________________ 11 _________________ 12 discover ____________________ assistant ____________________ adviser ____________________ interviewer/interviewee lover ____________________ ____________________ employer/employee ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ translation ____________________ invention ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ speech ____________________ Explain how the choice of words changes the meaning in 1-4 below. 1 Are you the new trainer/trainee? 2 Look at the interviewee/interviewer when you speak. 3 Don't throw the critic/criticism in the waste basket. 4 Do you want to kill the competitor/competition?