£ Complete the sentences with a,an, the, or - (no article). 1 1 The population of 2_South Africa is approximately 47 million. 2 My father is in3_hospital because he had 4_heart attack. 3 5_first state in6_USA where 7_women could vote was Wyoming. 4 8_Louvre is probably 9_most famous museum in 10_Paris. 5 Although there is 11_good university in Bristol where we live, my daughter decided to go to 12_Edinburgh University. 6 13_River Ebro in Spain flows into 14_Mediterranean Sea. 7 When we went to 15_wedding we couldn't park near 16_church, so we had to get 17_taxi. 8 18_quickest way to get from London to Oxford by 19_car is to take 20_M40. 9 21_Lake Superior, in22_Canada, is 23_biggest lake in24_world. 10 1 don't usually enjoy 25_films with subtitles but I absolutely loved26_German film which won the Oscar for 'Best Foreign Language Film' this year. 11 The man was sent to 27_prison for robbing28_bank in London. 12 29_Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in30_Alps. 13 Whenever I go to London, I alway go shopping at31_Harrods. 14 When we went to Morocco on our honeymoon, we camped in 32_Sahara desert. It was so romantic! 15 She decided not to go to the top of33_Eiffel Tower because she's so scared of heights. 16 My brother loves eating at34_Mario's. He thinks it's the best Italian restaurant in the city centre. 14-16 Excellent. You can use articles very well. 9-13 Quite good, but check the rules in the Grammar Bank {Student's Book p.142) for any questions that you got wrong. 0-8 This is difficult for you. Read the rules in the Grammar Bank (Student's Book p. 142). Then ask your teacher for another photocopy and do the exercise again at home.