Unit 7 - Revision Vocabulary 1 Complete the words in these definitions with the missing letters. 1 The _____________ is a group of people who evaluate evidence presented in court. 2 The _____________ is an official judicial decision. 3 The _____________ is the person seeking to prove his/her innocence. 4 _____________ have to be paid to the legal representatives. 5 A _____________ is an agreement between two parties in a lawsuit. 6 The _____________ is the person who litigates. 2 Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used. BRING PROVIDE SUFFER FILE MAKE AWARD REACH PRESENT SETTLE RULE ACCUSE IMPOSE TAKE 1 Is it worth trying to _____________ this lawsuit out of court? 2 The judge _____________ damages of a hundred thousand. 3 Do you think the court will _____________ in our favour? 4 A member of staff has _____________ her employer of sexual harassment. 5 We’d like you to _____________ evidence on our behalf. 6 They may decide to _____________ even stricter penalties. 7 We’re going to _____________ legal action against your client. 8 They’re _____________ a lawsuit against us for negligence. 3 Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary. 1 He believes the leader must make decisions based _______ his sense _______ justice. 2 Children in the country must be protected _______ abuses. 3 There must be equality of rights for all citizens, regardless _______ nationality. 4 Now the case has been quietly settled _______court. 5 She was awarded £2,000 compensation _______ her injuries. 6 The goals is to involve workers _______ the decision-making process. 7 He was trained _______ law and has a Master’s degree in socio-legal studies. 8 You must explain the reason why you were unable to meet - the deadline _______ submitting the finished work. 9 She’s hired a lawyer who specializes _______ divorce cases. 10 The surgeon was accused _______ negligence. 11 The arrests resulted _______ an anonymous telephone call. 12 France and Germany are _______ pressure to raise the number of troops they have in Afghanistan. Revision: Units 1 – 7 I. Phrasal Verbs