REVIEW TEST PJI1A IB Units 1 - 7 Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points You will hear the introduction to a seminar, called the Business Master Class, about the use of Information Technology in the workplace. As you listen, for questions 1-12 complete the notes, using up to three words or a number. THE BUSINESS MASTER CLASS Arrangements for participants 1. The event will take place over ......................................................................... 2. Seminar organized by ................................................................................. 3. The title of the last session will be................................................................... 4. To use the New City Hotel car park, delegates must obtain a..................................... Dr Sangalli 5. Dr Sangalli has advised many ........................................................................ 6. The name of his consultancy is ...................................................................... 7. He is the author of ..................................................................................... 8. In Europe, he is the best-known....................................................................... The Business Master Class Two problems for companies: 9. to become more ........................................................................................ 10. to establish new....................................................................................... Two outsomes of session: 11. design your own....................................................................................... 12. take away documents containing actual............................................................. II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) bez ohledu na dopad zavádějící televizní reklamy ­ ________________________________________ načrtnout cíle právě odstartované strategie ­ _____________________________________________ rozšířit pokrytí a trh předplatitelů ­ ____________________________________________________ být zodpovědný za sběr, zpracování a uchovávání dat ­ ____________________________________ být ochoten přispět k odstranění závady ­ _______________________________________________ podávat týmu zprávy o vývoji a dostávat zpětnou vazbu ­ __________________________________ předložit návrh ke schválení nadřízenému ­ _____________________________________________ obdržet a odmítnout nabídku na převzetí ­ ______________________________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to produce goods or services for the company: _________________________ 2. an active consumer who helps correct and better the goods and services they are interested in, invariably by searching the Internet and informing the producer as well as other potential customers of the benefits or drawbacks: _______________________ C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) TEAM FACILITATOR ­ REAL-TIME TECHNOLOGY ­ OUT-OF-COURT SETTLEMENT ­ OWNERSHIP CLAIM - ON APPEAL ­ VERTICAL INTEGRATION 1. Unfortunately the board have not approved of the solution for the _______________ ___________________ and the case had to be dealt with again. In Czech: _____________________________ 2. The complexity of view and the ability to take steps instantly is what I consider the main advantage of the ________________________________. In Czech: ________________________________________ 3. The complaint has been heard __________________________ and the verdict should be announced any time now. In Czech: __________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) FALL BEHIND ­ ENDORSE ­ WITHDRAW ­ SUSTAIN ­ EXCEED BRING ABOUT ­ COMMIT ­ INTERFACE - CONCEDE 1. The product, having harmful side effects, endangers the position of the company and has to be ______________________. 2. She was awarded millions in compensation for the injuries she _____________________ in the car accident. 3. The whole project was a disaster. It __________________ the budget enormously and was only complete a year after schedule. 4. The brand is likely to ______________________ by the image of the star linked with it. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. Shareholders are ______________ unhappy about the management. (INCREASE) 2. The ____________________ of the new tool resulted in its abolition. (EFFICIENT) 3. The briefing is designed to ____________________ objectives of particular steps of the project. (CLEAR) 4. High prices and the short guarantee ____________________ clients from repeat orders. (COURAGE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. Print media account ______ a considerably smaller proportion of the pie chart. 2. The delay threatens to bump ______ the cost of the construction work. 3. The meeting will have to be put ______ as many employees are still not here. 4. HR have set ______ a telephone hotline to deal ______ enquires. 5. Who shall we blame _______ such negligence? 6. I am afraid these files have been interfered _______. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. We are advertising the new model on the Internet, but we advertised the old one on TV. The new model ____________________________________________, but the old one ___________________________________________. 2. Who did you brief about the assignment after we had sacked three staff members? Can you tell me ______________________________________ after three __________ ____________________________________________? 3. It was absolutely necessary for us to keep to the deadline. Nevertheless, it was a bad decision to sign such inconvenient delivery terms. We __________________________________________________. Nevertheless, we _______________________________ such inconvenient delivery terms. C. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Add prepositions if necessary: (1 point each) We ________________________ (FINISH) the project by the end of the next month. The marketing department ________________________ (EVALUATE) the risk factor of launching the product for some time now and they _________________________________ ____________ (CONSIDER, SUGGEST, POSTPONE) it for two or three weeks. The thing is the target audience ____________ ____________(just, REACH) by the advertising campaign and so the advice is _____________________ (KEEP, RUN) it until many more people ____________________ (BE AWARE) the range of products. Now the PR _________ _______________________ (MUST, REMEMBER, MAKE) an announcement to the press. Last time they did not as the information about the project _____________________________ __(not COMPLETE) on time and the product _________ ________________________ ____(not CAN, PRESENT) to the public along with that of competitors'. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 ­ 4. (2 points each) 1. Last year we made ____ small profit and ____ revenue is increasing rapidly so we took ____steps to have ____ loan from ____ local bank and relocate to ____ Slovak republic. A: the, - , - , a, the, the B: a, the, the, the, a, the C: a, - , - , a, a, the D: a, - , - , a, the, the 2. In spite of huge budgets _____ the research requires and slow progress, it is believed to ultimately lead to the solution _____ will bring the answer to all our questions. A: , which; , which B: that; that C: that; - D: -; - 3. Could you tell me if ______________? A: can the suit prompts some change B: is the suit prompting some change C: will the suit prompt some change D: has the suit prompted some change IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Důvod, proč je naše firma žalována za nedodržení smluvních závazků a opomenutí z nedbalosti, je, že jsme nedostatečně zhodnotili rizika, zahájili jsme zkušební projekt bez schválení a přidělení zdrojů. Také náš subdodavatel neskončil svoji práci včas a šrouboval ceny nahoru. Po převzetí naší firmy konkurencí se samozřejmě sloučila i reklamní oddělení. Bylo obtížné ustanovit společné cíle a postup, protože zatímco my jsme do té doby používali reklamní poštu a sponsoring sportovních událostí, oni díky daleko vyššímu rozpočtu utráceli za televizní reklamu a propagaci svých výrobků ve filmech.