Materiál na 18.9. 08 COURSEBOOK, p. 14; D+D, BREAKING THE ICE Translate: 1 prolomit ledy = _____________________ 2 učinit nabídku koupit B&J = _______________________ 3 odmítnout nabídku = _________________________ 4 typické znaky jejich obchodní filozofie = ____________________ 5 najít společnou řeč / něco společného = ________________________ 6 angažován v debatě o společenské odpovědnosti = ___________________ COURSEBOOK, p. 14; WORDFORMATION 1 What _____________ or compromises do you think they would ask for? /CONCEDE/ 2 Is it possible for two companies with _______________ different cultures to merge and work together? /SEEM/ 3 They founded a company with a $ 12 000________________. /INVEST/ 4 They are recognised for fostering their company´s ______________ to social_________________. /COMMIT, RESPONSIBLE/ 5 He is a practical left-___________. /WING/ 6 He insisted, against__________ , on ______________ facilities. /OPPOSE, SEGREGATE/ 7 Vietnam, Ghana and other parts of the ______________ world. /DEVELOP/ WORKBOOK, p. 6; LISTENING Complete the gaps with the words you hear. The sentences with slight modifications have been taken out of the text you will hear and have been listed in the order they appear in the original exercise. 1 Univeler has long been___________________________________. 2 As an Anglo-Dutch multinational with two boards and two_________________________, it is often compared with Royal Dutch/Shell. 3 So with RD/S having decided_____________________________________, and P&G last week _________________ Gillette.. for $54 billion, expectations have been rising that Univeler would_________________. 4 But there is so far _____________________ that would help Unilever __________________________ the new P&G/Gillette combination. 5 Colgate-Palmolive and Reckitt Benckiser are possible__________________. 6 On February the 9th Reckitt announced an increase _______________________________ £770m from £660m in 2003. 7 Univeler´s debts are high: at the end of December _______________________________ £9 billion. 8 The company needs to _____________ its own problems before it ___________________ the complex integration of another business. Last year sales were ___________________ and operating profits_____________ . In September 2004 came the first warning that it _____________________ a promised increase in profits. That ________ it this week to __________________________________________ it had set itself for the next five years. 9 Univeler spends 14.5% of its_________________________ , which is more than the 12% spent by Nestlé, but far less than the 20% that P&G ________________________ promoting its products. The problem also _______________________ that the company spends its advertising budget. It made a mistake _____________________ longer-term advertising for short-term promotions _______________________________________of market share.