Student A 1. corner cutting = doing things badly or cheaply 2. beauty contest = a competition for women in which judges decide who are the most beautiful 3. spin-off business = a new company that emerges from a larger enterprise 4. allocate resources = to officially give something to someone, or to decide that something can be used for a specific purpose; something that you can use to help you to achieve something, especially in your work or study 5. delays = situation when sth get behind schedule 6. negligence = failure to give care or attention especially if this cause harm or damage 7. risk = a possibility that sth unpleasant or dangerous can happen 8. to expire = if an agreement, offer, or official document ------, the period of time during which it exists or can be used comes to an end 9. incentive = something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this 10. budget = an amount of money and a plan how to spend it 11. excavations = the process of digging in the ground to find things from the past 12. time-consuming (adj) = sth that takes long to do 13. tender = a formal written offer to provide goods or services for a particular price (soutěžní nabídka) 14. culprit = sb who is responsible for doing sth bad or illegal 15. evaluate = to think carefully about something before making a judgment about its value, importance, or quality 16. crane = a very tall machine used for lifting or moving heavy objects and building tall buildings Student B 1. beauty parade = a situation in which someone chooses to use the services of a particular company without basing their decision on important facts 2. outsourcing = an arrangement in which work is done by people from outside your company, usually by a company that is expert in that type of work 3. bump-up costs = to increase, an amount of money which is needed to do sth, pay for sth,et. 4. domestic appliance = machine or piece of equipment that you have in your home, for example a washing machine or refrigerator 5. glitches = minor technical problems 6. sophisticated (technology) = complicated and advance in design 7. precautionary (adj)= done or used for protection against possible harm or trouble 8. overdue (adj) = sth that should have been done or arrived before now 9. constraint = sth that limits your freedom to do what you want to do 10. runway = a long road used by planes when they land and take off, usually at an airport 11. to oversee (a project) = to watch sth in order in order to check if it happens or works the way it should 12. exceed the budget = to be greater than a number or amount, the amount of money and a plan how to spend it 13. entry = the right or ability to go into a place 14. contingency = sth that is done to prepare for a possible bad event 15. plague = 1. any serious disease that spreads quickly to a lot of people and usually ends in death, 2. sth that is very common and harmful 16. excavator = a large machine for digging holes in the ground