U7 – REVISION Translate: 1. důsledky protahující se soudní žaloby = _____________________________ 2. být nucen zrevidovat své mezinárodní plány = _____________________________ 3. dosáhnout vyjednaného vyrovnání = ________________________________ 4. Byla na něj podána žaloba z porušování autorských práv = ____________________________________________________________ 5. tvrdě zasáhnout jak akcie tak dluhopisy = _________________________________ 6. neodhalit kompromitující informace o = ____________________________________ 7. být obviněn ze zneužívání dominantního postavení na trhu = ___________________ 1. to award compensation/damages = ________________________________ 2. to fail to dismiss the case = _____________________________________ 3. the lack of information on the cost of litigation = ______________________________ 4. no incentive for a plaintiff lawyer or jury= ________________________________ 5. litigant = ______________________________________________________ 6. The three defendants have pleaded not guilty. = ___________________________ 1. MetaSoft, s.r.o. byla zažalována poté co opakovaně nedodržela termín pro instalaci nového software pro jednoho ze svých klientů. _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences and definitions: 1. Unsuccessful _______________ have the right to appeal against the decision of the court. 2. ____________________ is a person who makes a formal complaint against sb in court. 3. ____________________ is the person in a court who is being sued by another person or who is accused of committing a crime. Wordformation: 1. Unfortunately you can never rely on the duality of the data, some data provided by federal courts can be _______________ . /LEAD/ 2. Federal agencies routinely collect data from companies on employee benefits and pension plans for _______________ surveys. /STATISTICS/ 3. It is ______________ whether legal actions which take money away from the accused companies make economic sense. / QUESTION/ 4. The corporation´s margins and __________ prospects are good, its patent ______________ strong. /GROW/, /PROTECT/ 5. This company should have been protecte from a financial ______________ . /COLLIDE/ 6. Product - __________ and ____________ property are the most common areas. /LIABLE, INTELLECT/ Name six most common categories of litigation and translate them into Czech: 1. Antitrust (acts) = ___________________________ 2. product liability = _________________________________ 3. employee conduct = ____________________________________ 4. contractual failure = ___________________________________ 5. intellectual property = ____________________________________ 6. shareholder actions = ____________________________________ ANSWER KEY Translate: 1. důsledky protahující se soudní žaloby = consequences of prolonged legal action 2. být nucen zrevidovat své mezinárodní plány = be forced to review its international plans 3. dosáhnout vyjednaného vyrovnání = to reach a negotiated settlement 4. Byla na něj podána žaloba z porušování autorských práv = He was sued/ He was taken to court for copyright infringement. 5. tvrdě zasáhnout jak akcie tak dluhopisy = to hit hard both shares and bonds 6. neodhalit kompromitující informace o = not to disclose compromising information on/about 7. být obviněn ze zneužívání dominantního postavení na trhu = to be accused of abusing the dominant position on the market 1. to award compensation/damages = přiznat kompenzaci/odškodné 2. to fail to dismiss the case = nezamítnout případ 3. the lack of information on the cost of litigation = nedostatek informací o nákladech soudního sporu 4. no incentive for a plaintiff lawyer or jury. 5. litigant = sporná strana, strana ve sporu 6. The three defendants have pleaded not guilty. 1. MetaSoft, s.r.o. byla zažalována poté co opakovaně nedodržela termín pro instalaci nového software pro jednoho ze svých klientů. MetaSoft Ltd has been taken to court after repeatedly failing to meet the deadline for installing new software for one of its clients. Complete the sentences and definitions: 1. Unsuccessful litigants have the right to appeal against the decision of the court. 2. Plaintiff is a person who makes a formal complaint against sb in court. 3. Defendant is the person in a court who is being sued by another person or who is accused of committing a crime. Wordformation: 1. Unfortunately you can never rely on the duality of the data, some data provided by federal courts can be _______________ . /LEAD/ - misleading. 2. Federal agencies routinely collect data from companies on employee benefits and pension plans for _______________ surveys. /STATISTICS/ - statistical 3. It is ______________ whether legal actions which take money away from the accused companies make economic sense. / QUESTION/ - questionable 4. The corporation´s margins and __________ prospects are good, its patent ______________ strong. /GROW/ - growth, /PROTECT/ - protection 5. This company should have been protecte from a financial ______________ . /COLLIDE/- collision 6. Product - __________ and ____________ property are the most common areas. /LIABLE, INTELLECT/ - liability, intellectual Name six most common categories of litigation and translate them into Czech: 1. Antitrust (acts) = protimonopolní opatření 2. product liability = právní odpovědnost za výrobek 3. employee conduct = chování zaměstnanců 4. contractual failure = nedodržení smluvního závazku 5. intellectual property = duševní vlastnictví 6. shareholder actions = žaloby akcionářů Glossary – terms, Units 6-7 1. to litigate (verb) = to take a claim or complaint against a person or organisation to a court of law. Angry consumers have announced that they will litigate. 2. settlement (noun) = an agreement to resolve a dispute before it is taken to court. The two companies refused to to disclose the financial details of their out-of-court settlement. 3. fee (noun) = an amount of money paid to a professional person or organisation for their services. 4. damages/compensation (noun) = money that a court orders someone to pay someone else for harming them or their property, or causing them financial losss components. The group is facing claims for damages/compensation due to faulty components. 5. public relations, abbreviation PR = the activity of telling the public about an organisation, person, product, etc. so that people think of them in a good way.