UNIT SEVEN – IN THE NAME OF THE LAW COURSEBOOK, p. 60; LISTENING -PREVIEW TASK Complete the gaps with the phrases you hear and translate them into Czech where indicated. Marvin Hunt I specialise in the area of 1. __________________= __________________________(in Czech), but not just here in the UK. I work all over Europe and deal with a whole range of 2.______________________________________________. So, one week I could be advising a major corporation about their 3. _________________ = ________________(in Czech) and the next I could be involved in 4. _______________________ between workers and employers. We´ve got a very 5. ______________________ soon where a group of female employees 6. __________________________ that they were paid less than the male employees for the same work. Louise Granger My training was in law and in life sciences. So my 1. _______________________ is a great help in my line of business, which is the environment. These days, companies 2. _______________________________________________ lawyers and also _________________ environmentalists who say that their operations may be 3. _______________________ to the environment or even creating health problems for some people. So my job is to help businesses 4. _________________ that they face. At the moment I´m advising a 5. ________________ = _____________________ (in Czech) that 6. ____________________________ = ____________________________ (in Czech) the local water supply. Marsha Maspero I´m in IP, which is our jargon for 1. ___________________ = _____________________ (in Czech). That refers to things like the 2. ________________ = ____________________ (in Czech) and the 3. _______________________ that belong to an organisation. So we have a network of associates in countries around the world who give us 4. ____________________ to help companies to protect their intellectual property in international markets. My own 5. _____________________ is actually the intertainment industry, which means that I´m often working with people from the music and film industry. For instance, I´ve just finished 6. ____________________ a very famous client from the sports industry whose pictures were being used on a commercial website 7.____________________. Samuel Chase 1. _________________ = ________________________ (in Czech) is where I work. All businesses are responsible for making sure that their product do not cause harm to the consumers who use them. What we do is advise companies when they have to deal with complaints. That could involve negotiating with other lawyers or actually defending the company in court. We have a big case at the moment where we´re helping a pharmaceutical company to prepare a strategy to deal with 2. ______________________________________ = ____________________________________________ (in Czech) one of its best-selling drugs. WORKBOOK, p. 30; READING TASK 1 Create questions to these answers: ( Paragraph 1) 1 PCs and electrical devices are replaced every year. 2 Only a tenth or so. 3 Mercury and lead. 4 In Europe. 5 A type of refuse. 6 8%. TASK 2 Translate into Czech: ( Paragraph 2) Legislation to levy a surcharge on computer sales to defray recycling costs came into effect last month. 1 levy a surcharge = ______________________ 2 defray recycling costs = _______________________ 3 came into effect = ______________________ 4 a European Union directive = ____________________ 5 to be implemented in national laws = ___________________________ TASK 3 Answer the following questions (Paragraph 3) 1 Who is eBay? 2 What idea has eBay recently come up with and how does this idea work? Translate: 1 zjistit hodnotu = ________________ 2 dát na prodej = _________________ 3 zjednodušit přepravu / expedici ______________________ COURSEBOOK, p. 61; READING Vocab. litigant = sporná strana, strana ve sporu litigation = soudní spor 1 Who is Sealed Air? 2 What mistake did Sealed Air make 7 years ago? 3 Who is W.R. Grace? 4 How did W.R. Grace create problems for Sealed Air? 5 How did the stock market (=akciový trh) react to the problem (the litigation) ? 6 What consequences does the litigation have for Sealed Air? 7 Name six ways mentioned in the article in which a company can owe vast amounts of money in litigation and translate them into Czech. 8 Litigation risk is difficult to quantify. T/F 9 The money you pay as a result of a verdict is always higher that the money you need to spend to pay your lawyers, so called indirect costs. T/F 10 Translate into Czech: out of court settlement 11 The very existence of litigation makes the share-price go down. T/F 12 Why do actions (=žaloby) against companies whose share-price has fallen make little economic sense? 13 Lawyers fees can account for one-third of the settlement. T/F 14 There is no precise information on the cost of litigation. T/F 15 What method could be used to gather information about litigation payouts? 16 Find words in the last paragraph which mean the following: COURSEBOOK, p. 63 READING TASK In the text find the translations of the following. 1 účastnit se neúspěšné soudní pře = ____________________________________ 2 dožadovat se odškodného = ___________________________________ 3 zranění utrpěná v autonehodě = _____________________________________ 4 kontaminovaný vodní zdroj = ______________________________________ 5 učinit právní kroky proti někomu = _______________________________________ 6 připojit se k hromadné žalobě = _________________________________ 7 soudce rozhodl v její prospěch = __________________________________ 8 udělit/přiznat odškodnění dosahující výše 333 milionů dolarů = _______________________ WORKBOOK, p. 31; READING TASK 1 Answer these questions. 1 What dangers must foreign investers in America be constantly aware of? 2 American insurance firms began selling policies (= pojistky) for directors to minimize the dangers mentioned above. T/F 3 These policies managed to protect most of the companies from being sued. T/F 4 Foreign firms operating in America and registered with the SEC is more likely to face a lawsuit than an American firm. T/F 5 What does the SEC stand for? 6 What do you know about Parmalat? TASK 2 Create questions to these answers: 1 By international banks. TASK 3 In paragraph 4 find the words defined by the following definitions: 1. an agreement by a government or an organization to pay back the money an investor has lent plus a fixed amount of interest on a particular date; a document containing this agreement = ________________ 2. price that is very high, much higher than is normal or reasonable =_______________ 3. a company that has been bought by another company, an act of doing this =______ 4. the people or an organization who have the power to make decisions or who have a particular area of responsibility in a country or region = ____________ 5. owned or controlled by another company = ________________ WORKBOOK, p. 28-29; READING 1. sustain terrible injuries 2. to rule in favour of the defendant 3. to leak confidential information 4. to fail to resolve the dispute 5. the worst case of copyright infringement 6. litigation risks 7. to take criminal proceedings 8. the publication is his IP 9. to settle the case out of court 10. substantial amount of the final settlement 11. the plaintifff was awarded damanges 12. the guilty verdict U7 – REVISION Translate: 1. důsledky protahující se soudní žaloby = _____________________________ 2. být nucen zrevidovat své mezinárodní plány = _____________________________ 3. dosáhnout vyjednaného vyrovnání = ________________________________ 4. Byla na něj podána žaloba z porušování autorských práv = ____________________________________________________________ 5. tvrdě zasáhnout jak akcie tak dluhopisy = _________________________________ 6. neodhalit kompromitující informace o = ____________________________________ 7. být obviněn ze zneužívání dominantního postavení na trhu = ___________________ 1. to award compensation/damages = ________________________________ 2. to fail to dismiss the case = _____________________________________ 3. the lack of information on the cost of litigation = ______________________________ 4. no incentive for a plaintiff lawyer or jury= ________________________________ 5. litigant = ______________________________________________________ 6. The three defendants have pleaded not guilty. = ___________________________ 1. MetaSoft, s.r.o. byla zažalována poté co opakovaně nedodržela termín pro instalaci nového software pro jednoho ze svých klientů. _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences and definitions: 1. Unsuccessful _______________ have the right to appeal against the decision of the court. 2. ____________________ is a person who makes a formal complaint against sb in court. 3. ____________________ is the person in a court who is being sued by another person or who is accused of committing a crime. Wordformation: 1. Unfortunately you can never rely on the duality of the data, some data provided by federal courts can be _______________ . /LEAD/ 2. Federal agencies routinely collect data from companies on employee benefits and pension plans for _______________ surveys. /STATISTICS/ 3. It is ______________ whether legal actions which take money away from the accused companies make economic sense. / QUESTION/ 4. The corporation´s margins and __________ prospects are good, its patent ______________ strong. /GROW/, /PROTECT/ 5. This company should have been protecte from a financial ______________ . /COLLIDE/ 6. Product - __________ and ____________ property are the most common areas. /LIABLE, INTELLECT/ Name six most common categories of litigation and translate them into Czech: 1. Antitrust (acts) = ___________________________ 2. product liability = _________________________________ 3. employee conduct = ____________________________________ 4. contractual failure = ___________________________________ 5. intellectual property = ____________________________________ 6. shareholder actions = ____________________________________ Glossary – terms, Units 6-7 1. ________________ (verb) = to take a claim or complaint against a person or organisation to a court of law. Angry consumers have announced that they will_____________. 2. ________________ (noun) = an agreement to resolve a dispute before it is taken to court. The two companies refused to to disclose the financial details of their out-of-court__________________ . 3. __________ (noun) = an amount of money paid to a professional person or organisation for their services. 4. __________________ (noun) = money that a court orders someone to pay someone else for harming them or their property, or causing them financial losss components. The group is facing claims for _____________________ due to faulty components. 5.______________ , abbreviation____ = the activity of telling the public about an organisation, person, product, etc. so that people think of them in a good way.