UNIT TWO – MISSION TO ACCOMPLISH COURSEBOOK, p. 17, WORDFORMATION TASK Complete the gaps with the WORDS created from the words in brackets. EXERCISE 1 First, BAA is unusual in running the project itself. Mr Douglas insists that 1. ______________/SOURCE/ to a big project 2. ________/MANAGE/ group such as Bechtel would cost more, not less. Second, as much as possible of the 3. ______________/CONSTRUCT/ is taking place off-site. This reflects the site´s physical 4. ______________/CONSTRAIN/: it has only one 5. ________________/ENTER/ point, through which a 12-metre load must move every 30 seconds for a period of four years. And the site has 6. ______________/CAPABLE/ for no more than two days of 7. _______ /STORE/. The 8. _________/SOLVE/, he says, has been some “car industry industry logistics“ – a large 9. _____________ /INVEST/ in computing and training that no individual supplier would have made. New departures Passing risk to 1.____________ /SUPPLY/ chosen by beauty parade increases the risk of corner-cutting. And, as T5´s 2. ____________/SUPPLY/ are partners who will work on future projects, they have an incentive to do a good job. If something goes wrong later, there may be a debate about 3. ___________/NEGLECT/. If T5 works so well, why isn´t BAA building airports elsewhere? A bigger priority, at least for now, is to get 4. ______________/PERMIT/ to build an 5. ___________/ADD/runway at Stansted. But 6.___________,/ULTIMATUM/ success will 7. ________/SURE/ point to a spin-off business that can build other big projects 8. __________/SAFE/ and 9. ___________ /CHEAP/. COURSEBOOK, p. 17; READING TASK Based on the information presented in the article, answer the following questions: 1 At what stage of construction does the fifth terminal of the Heathrow airport find itself now? What does it look like? 2 What are/ will be the terminal´s main functions? 3 Why is building airports especially tricky? 4 Who is Tony Douglas? What is his previous work experience? 5 What is is T5 and how is it related to BAA? 6 Does BAA normally outsource such projects or run them itself? 7 Why does most of the construction work take place off-site? 8 What is T5 Agreement? 9 What is the suppliers´ attitude to glitches and delays which almost inevitably arise during the course of building works? 10 How can a building work get behind the schedule? 11 How is the BAA trying to prevent delays in the project? COURSEBOOK, p. 21; LISTENING Vocabulary to become familiar with before listening. 1. to take on the market research side of the project 2. to have the specifics 3. we are convinced there´s a market out there 4. to do some basic research 5. to conduct; arrange some interviews 6. to focus on the data 7. What about the dates? 8. Does that sound reasonable? 9. There´s no way we can do it by then. 10. It´s exactly the sort of thing we are good at! I´m very happy to be involved. 11. before we draw up the final specifications 12. How much are you budgeting for your side of things? 13. a provisional budget of 50k COURSEBOOK, p. 16; LISTENING Vocabulary to become familiar with before listening. 1. the nature of all the projects is that they are fluid 2. guidelines which project managers have to follow 3. a number of tools to help them 4. critical phases of the project 5. to look at the project as a whole 6. the project doesn´t have solid foundations 7. a feasible project 8. a project that will add value 9. a project overview lays out the purpose and strategy behind the project 10. to develop contingency plans if things go wrong WORKBOOK, p. 10; LISTENING TASK Complete the sentences with the words you hear. · M: I need to _____________________________ soon about your office workstation project and _________________ if you could check I´_____________________________. · J: What do you need to know? · M: Well, I´ve written that office staff will be able to control their workstation “_____________________________________________“… I mean when they enter the building … and _____________ their card, the lights in their office ______________________ , their computer will start up and colleagues will get an e-mail so they know the person´s ______________________ the office - all helping to save staff time and increase productivity. · J: Not quite. We´ve got rid of the email bit. ____________________________that people feel______________________________– you know, all their comings and goings noticed by colleagues and bosses! -------- * M: ….. and what are the key dates and stages before then? * J: I can´t_______________________________________ , but I can send it all to you though if you like along with possible dates for___________________ . COURSEBOOK, p. 22; D+D, TEST CRISIS TASK Complete the following extract with the most suitable words. Then compare your choice with the original. Well, in this case we really had to 1. __________ very quickly. There was no way that we could deliver products that had not been tested to our customers. So the 2. ____________ was first to determine which solutions were feasible in the time we had available. That 3.______________ the option of building a separate testing plant, simply because there wasn´t enough time to complete it. The three 4. _______________ options were all equally feasible. So then it became 5. _______________ of choosing the solution that would be the most cost-effective. In fact, the one that was selected was “offloading“ testing to the factories that had 6. _____________ capacity, and that was chosen mainly because it would be cheaper for the company and it would also be a solution that could be used systematically whenever the same problem occurred at any of the plants. I was the project manager and that was my job for the next six months. It was a lot of work co-ordinating all the different factors, but in the end it worked 7. ________ fine and we still use the system today. For me, it 8. ____________me that the most obvious solutions are not, in fact, always the best. Because, of course, we could have just 9. ___________ and bought testing machines and installed them directly. WORKBOOK, p. 11; READING Give the terms defined by the following: * _____________ =failure to give care or attention, especially when this causes harm or damage * ____________ = a small and sudden problem: HITCH * ___________ = a set of connected things that work together for a particular purpose * ____________ = COMPUTING a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work * ___________ = the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on something * ___________ =a situation in which something happens later or more slowly than you expected * ___________ = a/to start a major activity such as a military attack, a public INVESTIGATION, or a new career or project * ________ =a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you achieve something;an economic/spending/corporate plan;a peace plan * ___________= a plan of activities or events and when they will happen Questions to the text: 1 What happened on Sept 14 in an air-traffic control centre in Palmdale, California? 2 Was there a mid-air collision of aircraft? 3 What does the author of this articles see as the main problem: a) the fact that sb forgot to restart the system after 30 days, b) the design of the system itself 4 What does it mean pervasive? 5 What are the results of the survey carried out by Standish Group 6 Are delays typical only of the IT industry? 7 Whose fault is it? 8 What fact does the mention of Longhorn illustrate? COURSEBOOK, p. 19 TASK Based on the complete information in the book and the following hints, try to retell the contents of the article. Bechtel Corporation appoint the lead contractor the new Athens undeground rail system aim ready for the Olympic Games 2004 complexity few people on time concern cost exceed the initial budget despite delays time-consuming excavations archeological finds glitches Bechtel ensured not get behind the schedule once project complete Attiko Metro SA take over management of the new network 400, 000 passengers every day TASK Try to complete the article with the most correct verbs. COURSEBOOK, p. 20 TASK Choose the correct word: The AS project management team have 1. withdrawn / drawn up / overdrawn the following schedule for the AS 90 project, which 2. has / is / can due to 3. kick back/ kick off/ kick at the beginning of January. The first phase of the project will 4. be carried out/ be carried/ be carried away by Luke Marshall and Gianni Visconti. They will be 5. implementing / organising/ researching a meeting with the whole team during the first week in January to discuss the needs analysis questionnaire before it is sent out to hotel managers in the United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands. By mid- January, the software specifications and manpower requirements will be 6. taken over/ submitted/ trained for approval by the project manager and work will start on the pilot programme at the end of February. In April, the B team will 7. take over/ train/ appoint the implementation phase. This will 8. budget / require/ plan extensive travel for the team members who will be providing training for hotel staff at a series of one-day workshops. May has 9. been fixed / outsourced / interfaced as the deadline for handing over the complete project with all deliverables to our customer.