UNIT THREE – TEAMWORKING WORKBOOK, p. 14; READING TASK 1 Find in the text words described by the following definitions: * to try to persuade someone to do something, to urge = _________ * an amount, level, standard etc that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are = ____________ * measuring a person’s ability to think, especially in order to judge how suitable they are for a particular job (adj) = _____________ * private, peaceful, and not near other people or places =________ * a game in which two teams pull on opposite sides of a rope until one team succeeds in pulling the other team across a line between them = _____________ * to develop feelings of love, friendship, or duty towards other people, or to make someone develop these feelings = ____________ * if you _____________ your skills, knowledge, or ability against someone, you use all your skill in order to deal successfully or compete with them = __________ * the part of a person that makes them behave in a particular way in social situations, for example in a friendly or unfriendly way, or in a confident or shy way = ______________ * the process of watching someone or something carefully, in order to find something out = ________________ * TASK 2 1. What are managers constantly reminded of? 2. Which theory/theories has until recently ruled the way companies understood teamwork? 3. How were these theories created? 4. What conclusions did Prof Belbin draw from the results of the personality and psychometric tests conducted? 5. What roles did he identify? TASK 3 Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the below verbs: remain (2x); present; pit; make up; conduct; clarify; rule; discover; date back; perform 1 Until recently the way companies understood what made successful teamwork ___________________ rooted in the 1960s. 2 For 35 years the ideas of Professor Belbin_____________. 3 His theories _____________ to research in 1967, when an initiative at Henley Management College ____________ him with a rare opportunity to study teamwork in a controlled environment. 4 The game __________ teams against each other. 5 It ___________ a benchmark study to these days. 6 Team members ___________________ a series of personality tests. Professor ______________ that certain combinations of personality types _____________ more successfully than others. 7 He identified the nine archetypal roles required to ____________ an ideal team. 8 The coordinator ______________ goals and promotes decision making. COURSEBOOK, p.26; VOCABULARY PRACTICE TASK Create questions to these answers: 1. Team morale. 2. Our team morale was very low. 3. Because team spirit takes a long time to build. 4. To come up with ideas on the best way of organising a team building activity. 5. To attend a day´s training session organised by a specialist consultant. 6. Socialising and completing simple team tasks set by the consultant. TASK Answer the following questions: 1. Why were we particularly unhappy when three members of our team left to join another company? 2. How would you characterize team morale? 3. What takes a long time to build in a team? 4. What was the first item on the agenda of their first meeting after the these people left? 5. What was the purpose of this activity? 6. What did we agree on at this meeting? WORKBOOK, p. 15; LISTENING Over to you. his categorisation of teams is widely used team as a whole made up of individuals perform a role his approach is valid increase overall knowledge of how the team is constructed collective competencies required to bring about effective performance bonding stable team transient team ad hoc team short-lived team develop a model for assessing the effectiveness identify 16 distinct competencies use the framework COURSEBOOK, p. 25; READING 1 Why is much of the time of the corporate leaders spent in meetings? 2 All meetings are productive. T/F 3 two% of all managers think meetings are productive. T/F 4 Whose responsibility is it to make meetings productive? 5 In what context is the Synectics company mentioned? 6 How does the article describe a successful meeting? 7 What hinders the effectiveness of the large meetings? 8 If you hog the floor in a meeting, what do you do? 9 What two basic types of meetings does the article present? 10 What is the function of the latter type? 11 Why are meetings so important to companies? 12 What is the key ingredient to getting a good decision? COURSEBOOK, p. 25; READING TASK Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the verbs given. COME UP WITH; JOIN; PUT UP WITH; ESTABLISH; DROP; HOG; FRAME; MOULD; GO 1. The rules of teamworking ____________ in meetings, which in turn are the basic building blocks of corporate existence. 2. In high-performing companies, the figure rose to 25% and in the lower performers it ______________ to 2%. 3. Team leaders should do everything they can do to organise meetings properly. 4. Team members have to ________________ the fact that too little thought ___________ into the agenda or the location of bigger meetings. 5. Tedious speakers sometimes _______ the floor making it impossible for other to __________ in the conversation. 6. He ____________ this idea during the brainstorming session. 7. Teams _____________ in meetings. 8. The way to get a good decision is to __________the questions carefully. COURSEBOOK, p. 29; LISTENING TASK Complete the following dialogue with the exact phrases you hear: * A: …… so here are the designs I´ve done so far – see any problems? * B: Hmm, I´m not sure that I can. You___________________________ these. How long will it take to finish them, do you think? * A: That´s one thing I________________________. Er… * B: Go on… that´s_______________________________________. * A: Well, I´m __________________ time. I´ve got so much to do this week, I´m afraid I might not______________________. * B: I´m sure we can____________________. Maybe I could get some of the other stuff done and you can concentrate on these. * A: Great – then I should be able to get these on time. * B: If_____________________________________! COURSEBOOK, p. 30; D+D, LEADING THE TEAM TASK Translate: 1. přijít s / navrhnout možnosti zlepšení komunikace se zákazníky = _____________________________________________________ 2. shromažďování informací = _____________________________________ 3. rozšířit telefonní pokrytí o hodinu týdně = ___________________________________ 4. (ne)schválit dobré nápady = ________________________________________ 5. předložit doporučení týmu = ___________________________________________ 6. Přiznal, že chyboval, když tým dostatečně neinstruoval. = ____________________________________________________________________ 7. na základě sdílených informací = _____________________________________