* Team players There have been defined the following types of team players. I TASK Complete the definitions with types of team players. COMPLETER; TEAMWORKER; PLANT; IMPLEMENTER;SHAPER; CO-ORDINATOR; RESOURCE INVESTIGATOR; MONITOR EVALUATOR a. the implementer = converts the team´s plan into something achievable b. the co-ordinator = a confident member who sets objectives and defines team members´ roles c. the shaper = defines issues, shapes ideas and leads the action d. the plant = a creative and imaginative person who supplies original ideas and solves problems e. the resource investigator = communicates with the outside world and explores opportunities f. the monitor evaluator = sees all the possibilities, evaluates situations objectively, and sees what is realistically achievable g. the teamworker = builds the team, supports others and reduces conflict h. the completer = meets deadlines, corrects mistakes and makes sure nothing is forgotten. * Stages of team life I TASK Complete the definitions with stages of team life. MOURNING; NORMING;FORMING; STORMING;PERFORMING The typical team goes through a series of stages: a. forming = the group is anxious and feels dependent on a leader; the group tries to discover how it is going to operate and what the “normal“ ways of working will be b. storming = the atmosphere may be one of conflict between members, who may resist control from any other person; there may be the feeling that the task cannot be achieved c. norming = at this stage, members of the group feel closer together and the conflicts are forgotten; members of the group will start to support each other; there is increasingly the feeling that it is possible to achieve the task d. performing = the group is carrying out the task for which it was formed; members feel safe enough to express differences of opinion in relation to others e. mourning = the group´s work is finished, and its members begin to have pleasant memories of their activities and achievements.