Exercise 1 When we make questions in spoken English, we often leave out the auxiliary verb and the subject pronoun. For example, instead of saying, 'Do you like if we say, like it?'. Write full questions using the underlined verb. 1 finished, yet? We're all waiting! .........-......Have you fiMjhed yet?............... 2 ififi you tomorrow? Are you busy all day? ................................................................................ 3 You look relaxed. Have a nice time? ............................................................................... 4 Paul's a bit difficult. J.. is?.............................. 2 What does this mean? Do you know...................................................................................................? 3 How much does this cost? Could you tell me...................................................................................................? 4 What time does the bank open? Do you know...................................................................................................? 5 Am I in the right seat7 Could you tell me if...................................................................................................? 6 Where's the Opera House? Do you know..............................................................................................? 7 Is this the way to the Science Museum? Could you tell me if...................................................................................................? 8 Who is the speaker at the next session? Do you know..................................................................................................? • Do you like Brazil? Yes. 2 Does Karen like Brazil' Yes. 3 Have you worked here long? Yes, 4 Are you coming with us tonight7 Yes, 5 Is Karen coming with us tonight7 Yes, 6 Can you come on Friday? Yes, 7 Will you be here tomorrow? Yes, 3 Did you have to pay a lot? Yes, 9 Is that your coat? Yes,.. I do No.......1 do*. No..................... No................... No, .......-............ No, .................... NO..................... No..................... No..................... No, ................... Exercise 5 Complete each sentence, using the verb in brackets where necessan/ 1 A: Vow tave .jot (have got) the file, haven't you?' B: 'Yes, of course.' 2 A: 'They'll be back by 4.00...................................?' B: 'I expect so.' 3 A: 'You..................................(leave) now, are you?' B: 'Sorry, I really have to go.' 4 A: They've been here before...................................?' B 'Yes, I think so.' 5 A: 'You can meet Marjoleine at the station...................................?' B: 'Yes, of course.' 6 A: 'You.................................(forget) the samples, did you?' B: 'No, of course not.' 7 A: '..................................(be) here yesterday, were you7' B: 'No, I wasn't' 8 A: 'You don't happen to know the time,..................................?' B: 'Sorry, I don't' 9 A: 'Let's have a break now...................................?' B. 'OK, good idea.' 10 A: 'You had the same thing for lunch yesterday,..................................?' B: 'Yes.' Exercise 3 Match the beginnings of the phrases with their endings 1 Do you mind if I... 2 Would you mind if I . 3 Would you mind ... a! closing the window? b) closed the window7 c) close the window7 Somebody asks Would you mind if I dosed the window? You want the window closed. Tick (/) the answers you could grve. 4 Yes, I would. 5 No, of course not. _j 6 Go ahead. 7 Please do. _. Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 take Visa do you? ...........................................&° you Uke V,<«? 2 please I can see the menu?.......................................................................... 3 excuse me here anyone is sitting? ................................................................ 4 from which country do come you?.............................................................. 5 to who you were just now talking? ............................................................. 6 what mean do you exactly by that?............................................................ 7 a little more specific you could be? .............................................................. 8 what time the next train to Brussels is? ....................................................... 9 you can tell me what time is the next tram to Brussels? .............................. 10 this briefcase to who does belong7 ............................................................. 11 could I from here a phone call make7 ......................................................... 12 do think you I could make from here a phone call? .................................... A You are staying with your friend, Liz. One morning Liz leaves you the following note. Hi! I'm afraid I'm in a panic. The Dumals, (the French family I worked for last year), have just rung to say that they're coming this weekend. If you have time today, could you make the following phone calls for me? Bus station time of first bus to Heathrow on Friday morning. Heathrow airport arrival time for BA 272. Bargain Car Eire cost of car hire for 2 days, Hill Guest House double room available this weekend? Train, station cost of family day excursion ticket to London. Hong Hu Restaurant open on Sunday evenings? Diana come and meet then! on Sunday? Thanks a lot - you'll find all the numbers in my address book. Uz Now finish the questions you need to ask each person you ring. Example: Bristol Could von tell me what time the first bus to Heathrow Bus Station on Friday momng is ? 1 Bristol Station Could you cell me how much 2 Hill Guest House I'd like to know 3 Bargain Car Hire A friend of mine would like to know how much * 4 Heathrow I wonder if you can tell me what time 5 Hong Hu Could you tell me ; 6 Diana Liz wants to know whether ? B Here are some things the Dumals need to know. Complete the sentences by choosing a phrase or item from each box. if what time what how long whether Qiowjar) how much Example: I'd like to know J*0** f°r away the station is • 1 Could you tell us_the next bus arrives ._ 2 Do you happen to know_or not the chemist is open fate_ 3 Have you any idea_there's a market near here_ 4 We*d like to know_the flight takes__ 5 _do you think a ticket to Brighton costs_ 6 We were wondering_the name of this hotel was_