A. Figure out expressions the following definitions refer to: - the process of arranging for sb outside a company to produce goods or provide services for that company - a plan for a particular period of time of the income and spending of a company, an organization or part of a company, etc - an occasion when several competing companies or people try to persuade sb to use their services - the amount of money that a business needs to spend regularly - detailed information about how sth is or should be designed or made B. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: PLAGUE, TAKE ON, CUT CORNERS, OCCUR, BLAME, RUN SHORT, BUMP UP, TAKE DOWN, FACILITATE, BID 1. Financial problems are ____________ the company. 2. To be competitive, they paid low wages and __________ on health and safety. 3. Organisers ______ the weather for the low turnout. 4. The party had just begun and we were already _____________ of beer. 5. We ____________ the connection speed to make downloading much faster. C. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. 1. The purchasing manager _________ all invoices. (valid) 2. He was ________ for a military career, like his father before him. (destiny) 3. The injured workers are suing the company for __________. (neglect) 4. He was kept in hospital overnight as a _____________ measure. (caution) 5. Boeing are the airline’s sole ________ of aircraft. (supply) D. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: 1. We should be able to deliver the project __ time and __ the specifications. 2. A project overview lays ___ the purpose and strategy behind the project. 3. We have very little to spend __ marketing. 4. Nokia’s vice-president is __ charge __ Internet security products. 5. Total sales are expected to exceed ___ €250 million. E. Translate the following expressions into English: 1. odevzdat projekt v čas a v rámci rozpočtu - 2. (vy)ohodnotit rizikové faktory- 3. přenést riziko na dodavatele – 4. vyřešit problém omezeného přístupu na staveniště – 5. odhadnout náklady na 6 miliard – 6. zpoždění způsobené časově náročnou instalací – 7. termín pro odevzdání hotového projektu – 8. získat povolení ke stavbě metra – 9. ověřit/prozkoumat proveditelnost projektu – 10. když poptávka převyšuje nabídku-