PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 1 Unit Test 5 Answer Key (Note that in 1-3 two answers are possible.) Language 1 There wasn't just one man who/that was responsible for the invention of the mobile phone. 2 The computer which/that used to be on my desk is now in the office next door. 3 The main users this phone is aimed at are aged four to eight years. Correct sentence, though it is possible to add a pronoun: The main users who (or whom)/that this phone is aimed at are aged four to eight years. 4 The latest model, which we launched last week, has had good reviews. 5 Proactive companies, offering more choice, are more likely to succeed. Correct sentence 6 More and more of our software can be downloaded as well as bought from retailers, which reduces our costs. 7 The management guru Peter Drucker, whose ideas influenced the world's corporate elite, wrote about 40 books. 8 We're based in Texas, where we've been for the last five years. Vocabulary 9 information / 10 subscribers / 11 designed / 12 saturated / 13 generation / 14 profitable / 15 coverage / 16 profit / 17 margin / 18 laptop / 19 feature / 20 product / 21 access Career skills 22 c / 23 g / 24 b / 25 d / 26 a / 27 f / 28 i / 29 h / 30 e