Credit Test PJI1A model test Name: Teacher: TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK Number of points (max. 100 points) I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points A. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer from the following points: (2 points each) Double-click the icon to play the listening exercise: 1. What is the vacant position available in Patagonia? A: Outdoor Clothing Associate B: Public Affairs Associate C: Public Relations Assistant 2. What must candidates have? A: Experience with the press and Public Relations B: Instructor in all outdoor sports C: some basic German 3. When will job interviews take place? A: Before the last week of February B: During the last week of February C: After the last week of February 4. Which is correct? A: The candidate has family in Munich & the job will be based in Munich. B: The candidate has family near Munich & the job will be based near Munich. C: The candidate has family near Munich & the job will be based in Munich. 5. How much does the job pay? A: € 35000 - €40000, depending on experience B: The candidate doesn’t know, but she’s applying anyway. C: The employers will definitely tell her on the interview. B. Complete the sentences using the correct words from the listening script: (1 point each) Fiona Scott said that she had found a (1) ___________________ (2) ___________________ (3) __________________ in the (4) __________________ the (5, 6) ___________________ ___________________. The job is just what she (7, 8) _____________________ _____________________. It’s for a (9) ___________________ company called (10) ___________________. II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) předvídané převzetí závodu – _________________________________________________ splnit zadané cíle včas – ______________________________________________________ zavádět řešení do praxe – ____________________________________________________ být spokojen s odměňováním – ________________________________________________ nasycení trhu novinkami (tzn. novými výrobky) – _____________________________________ úmysl prodloužit záruku – ____________________________________________________ inzerovat v době nejvyšší sledovanosti – __________________________________________ urovnání soudního sporu mimosoudně – _________________________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting: 2. a feature of a product or service that makes it different from all others: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP, CONGLOMERATE, PROGRESS UPDATE, FASHION STATEMENT, CONTINGENCY PLAN, DOT-COM BOOM 1. The mobile phone nowadays is not just a device we use, it is a _____________________ ________________ too. In Czech: _____________________________________________ 2. It is advisable to develop a ______________________________ in case things go wrong. In Czech: _____________________________________________ 3. The two companies formed a _____________________________________ to carry out the S12W project. In Czech: _____________________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) IMPOSE – BREAK OUT – BOAST – ACCESS BARGAIN – PUT FORWARD – ACCUSE – AVOID 1. We are sorry to announce that the supplier failed to ___________________________ the quotation in due time. 2. You must protect sensitive information to _________________ any possible interference. 3. The fact that people __________________ the intranet more and more frequently makes it grow. 4. If they ____________________ him of default, he will use all his strength and contacts to prove innocent. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The project was ___________________________ prepared, so the failure was inevitable. (SUFFICIENT) 2. According to Fortune, Exxon Mobil is the most ___________________________ company on the planet this year. (PROFIT) 3. The new process implemented by the CEO dramatically increased the _______________ of the team. (PERFORM) 4. The manufacturers found a fault and carried out a voluntary product ________________. (WITHDRAW) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. CEO stands _______ Chief Executive Officer. 2. Now it is a bad time to invest _______ stocks. 3. A committee has been set _______ to investigate the problem. 4. Why do companies spend large amounts of money _______ advertising? 5. We had some problems with our computer system but they’ve been sorted _______ now. 6. Small businesses have benefited _______ the changes in the law. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (2 points each) 1. They may have notified him before the invoice arrived. He ________________________________________________ before the invoice arrived. 2. She made a mistake when she resigned from the board. (use a modal verb) She ________________________________________________________ from the board. 3. How could you pay the invoice without checking it first? I don’t understand ________________________________________________________. 4. BBC is a very trustworthy and traditional institution. Its MD resigned last week. (relative clause) BBC ___________________________________________________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (10 points total) 1. I would ___________________________________ (advise, they, enlarge) their distribution network and _____________________________ (invest, promote) new brand. 2. That _____________________ (suit, I) fine, actually, because I’m going ___________ ____________________________ (need, you, cover) me at the end of the month. 3. You will _____________________ (give) full support and you’d _________________ _________________ (able, choose) the people you __________________________ (want, work) with. D. Choose all suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. These are the colleagues _______________________. A: I went to the conference with B: with which I went to the conference C: with whom I went to the conference D: with I went to the conference 2. We look forward to _______________________. A: talk to you soon B: seeing you again C: start working again D: your team’s visit 3. Edinburgh is _______________________. A: the second largest financial centre in the UK B: an ideal location for students C: a lively modern city D: the capital of Scotland IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Časově efektivní porady vyžadují přípravu programu tím, kdo schůzi řídí, a také uvědomění si, že zúčastnění mají na práci i jiné věci než být na schůzi. Proto je důležité soustředit se pouze na hlavní body, jako je např. fúze společnosti nebo její převzetí konkurentem. Úspěšné schůze vedené schopným předsedou můžou také podporovat týmového ducha a často přispívají k rychlému řešení zadaných úkolů a dodržování termínů, takže celá skupina snadněji splní společný cíl. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Credit Test – KEY PJI1A model test I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points A. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer from the following points: (2 points each) 1. What is the vacant position available in Patagonia? A: Outdoor Clothing Associate B: Public Affairs Associate C: Public Relations Assistant 2. What must candidates have? A: Experience with the press and Public Relations B: Instructor in all outdoor sports C: some basic German 3. When will job interviews take place? A: Before the last week of February B: During the last week of February C: After the last week of February 4. Which is correct? A: The candidate has family in Munich & the job will be based in Munich. B: The candidate has family near Munich & the job will be based near Munich. C: The candidate has family near Munich & the job will be based in Munich. 5. How much does the job pay? A: € 35000 - €40000, depending on experience B: The candidate doesn’t know, but she’s applying anyway. C: The employers will definitely tell her on the interview. B. Complete the sentences using the correct words from the listening script: (1 point each) Fiona Scott said that she had found a (1) great (2) new (3) job in the (4) newspapers the (5, 6) other day. The job is just what she (7, 8) always wanted. It’s for a (9) Californian company called (10) Patagonia. II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) předvídané převzetí závodu – predicted / forecast takeover of a plant splnit zadané cíle včas – to meet / accomplish the objectives set on time zavádět řešení do praxe – to put / implement solutions into practice být spokojen s odměňováním – to be satisfied with remuneration nasycení trhu novinkami (tzn. novými výrobky) – saturation of the market with novelties úmysl prodloužit záruku – an intention to extend the guarantee / warranty inzerovat v době nejvyšší sledovanosti – to advertise in peak viewing times urovnání soudního sporu mimosoudně – settlement of a lawsuit out of court B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting: agenda 2. a feature of a product or service that makes it different from all others: unique selling feature C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP, CONGLOMERATE, PROGRESS UPDATE, FASHION STATEMENT, CONTINGENCY PLAN, DOT-COM BOOM 1. The mobile phone nowadays is not just a device we use, it is a fashion statement too. In Czech: módní vyjádření / postoj 2. It is advisable to develop a contingency plan in case things go wrong. In Czech: záložní plán / plán pro mimořádné události 3. The two companies formed a corporate partnership to carry out the S12W project. In Czech: obchodní spojení / partnerství D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) IMPOSE – BREAK OUT – BOAST – ACCESS BARGAIN – PUT FORWARD – ACCUSE – AVOID 1. We are sorry to announce that the supplier failed to put forward the quotation in due time. 2. You must protect sensitive information to avoid any possible interference. 3. The fact that people access the intranet more and more frequently makes it grow. 4. If they accuse him of default, he will use all his strength and contacts to prove innocent. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The project was insufficiently prepared, so the failure was inevitable. (SUFFICIENT) 2. According to Fortune, Exxon Mobil is the most profitable company on the planet this year. (PROFIT) 3. The new process implemented by the CEO dramatically increased the performance of the team. (PERFORM) 4. The manufacturers found a fault and carried out a voluntary product withdrawal. (WITHDRAW) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. 2. Now it is a bad time to invest in stocks. 3. A committee has been set up to investigate the problem. 4. Why do companies spend large amounts of money on advertising? 5. We had some problems with our computer system but they’ve been sorted out now. 6. Small businesses have benefited from the changes in the law. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (2 points each) 1. They may have notified him before the invoice arrived. He may have been notified before the invoice arrived. 2. She made a mistake when she resigned from the board. (use a modal verb) She shouldn’t have resigned from the board. 3. How could you pay the invoice without checking it first? I don’t understand how you could pay the invoice without checking it first. 4. BBC is a very trustworthy and traditional institution. Its MD resigned last week. (relative clause) BBC, whose MD resigned last week, is a very trustworthy and traditional institution. C. Put the verbs and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (10 points total) 1. I would advise them to enlarge (2 pts) their distribution network and invest in promoting (2 pts) new brand. 2. That suits me (1 pt) fine, actually, because I’m going to need you to cover for (2 pts) me at the end of the month. 3. You will be given (1 pt) full support and you’d be able to choose (1 pt) the people you want to work (1 pt) with. D. Choose all suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. These are the colleagues _______________________. A: I went to the conference with B: with which I went to the conference C: with whom I went to the conference D: with I went to the conference 2. We look forward to _______________________. A: talk to you soon B: seeing you again C: start working again D: your team’s visit 3. Edinburgh is _______________________. A: the second largest financial centre in the UK B: an ideal location for students C: a lively modern city D: the capital of Scotland IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Časově efektivní porady vyžadují přípravu programu tím, kdo schůzi řídí, a také uvědomění si, že zúčastnění mají na práci i jiné věci než být na schůzi. Proto je důležité soustředit se pouze na hlavní body, jako je např. fúze společnosti nebo její převzetí konkurentem. Úspěšné schůze vedené schopným předsedou můžou také podporovat týmového ducha a často přispívají k rychlému řešení zadaných úkolů a dodržování termínů, takže celá skupina snadněji splní společný cíl. Time-efficient meetings require preparation of the agenda by the person who conducts the meeting and also realizing that the participants have other things to do besides attending the meeting. Therefore/That is why it is important to concentrate only on main points/items, such as merger of the company or its takeover/acquisition by a competitor. Successful meetings led/chaired by a capable chairperson can also support/encourage the team spirit and they often/frequently contribute to a quick/fast solution of assigned/set tasks and keeping deadlines so the whole group will accomplish the common goal more easily.