Name______________________________________ Class _____________________________ PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 1 Unit Test 3 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with these modals: can't, should, might, must 1 She didn't do the job properly. She __________ have had enough time. 2 He was flying back from a meeting in Paris so he said that he __________ be a few minutes late for our meeting. 3 There _________ be a better way to solve this. I can't believe there isn't. 4 If you take my advice, you __________ talk to them about their attitude. 5 In retrospect, I ___________ have done this years ago. 6 He's worked from 6am to 10pm today. He __________ be exhausted! 7 She __________ have left the office because I just saw her at her desk. 8 It's possible that these meetings __________ not be the best use of our time. 9 We surely ___________ be the only people to have complained about this. I'm sure everyone else must be having the same problems with it. VOCABULARY 2 Complete each sentence with one word from A and one from B. A stand-up / team / ground key / egg-timer / common / weekly / team B meetings / updates / points / spirit / rules / goals / meetings / player 10 __________ __________ tend to be more productive because people are more concise and to the point. 11 __________ __________ mean that nobody speaks for too long. 12 He likes to work on his own. He doesn't make a very good ____________ ____________. 13 Lots of praise and encouragement really contributes to the ___________ ____________. 14 I subscribe to a business magazine which also sends me __________ __________ by email. PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 2 15 A good team will work to accomplish __________ __________ and shared objectives. 16 Let's start by establishing some __________ __________ so everyone knows what is and isn't allowed. 17 Can you write any __________ __________ from today's meeting down? 3 Underline the correct word in brackets. 18 It really annoys me when the chairperson (hogs / attends) the floor for the whole meeting. 19 I don't know how you (come / put) up with him on your team. He drives me crazy! 20 I'd like us to try and (come / take) up with some solutions today, please. 21 We're so looking (on / forward) to seeing you all next week. 22 This will be the second time in a row she hasn't (met / done) the deadline. 23 The facilitator (makes / plays) a key role in coordinating the team's work. CAREER SKILLS 4 Match sentences 24-30 with responses a-g. Write your answers here: 24 ___ 25 ___ 26 ___ 27 ___ 28 ___ 29 ___ 30 ___ 24 Can I ask you a question? 25 I'm a bit stuck for time. I really need some more people working on this. 26 I should be able to finish it on time. 27 There's just one thing that worries me. Er... 28 How about if we offered bonuses? PHOTOCOPIABLE 2006 Pearson Longman ELT 3 29 I've had this great idea! 30 Do you see any problems with what I've done so far? a I'm sure we can work something out. b Tell me more. c Ask away. That's what I'm here for. d Go on, I'm listening. What's wrong? e No, you've done a great job on them. f If anyone can do it, you can. g That's a great idea.