Review Test PJI3A Market Leader: Unit 4 – Energy Name: Teacher: TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK Number of points (max. 100 points) I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) emise a hromadění skleníkových plynů z fosilních paliv – ________________________________ bezpečnost dodávek a diverzifikace energetických zdrojů – _______________________________ břemeno globálního oteplování ovlivňující daňové poplatníky – ___________________________ odolat vysoké hustotě hořlavých látek – ______________________________________________ zpochybňovat průlom nevyhnutelných technologií – ____________________________________ vypouštět odpadní vodu (1 word) a ukládat odpad – _____________________________________ nevratné změny a udržitelný rozvoj – ________________________________________________ objemný a natlakovaný zásobník se zkapalněným plynem – _______________________________ B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a report produced by a company on environmental or green issues that give a more favorable impression on this company than justified by the real facts: 2. the removal or destruction of significant areas of forest cover and their conversion to non-forested land: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase. (2 points each) LITANY, WATCHDOG, IGNOMINY, OVERFISHING, UPSHOT, STAFF TURNOVER, DEPLETION, ENVIRONMENTAL LOBBY 1. Being marked as not environmentally friendly was the worst _______________________ for us. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 2. The conference on green policy had no real ____________________________, so it was a waste of time. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 3. The ___________________________ of oil reserves represents the biggest threat for the 21^st century. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) PROPEL – RECYCLE – GUZZLE – COUNTERBALANCE UNBUNDLE – BRAINSTORM – SPORT – POLLUTE – REV UP 1. Major electricity producers ______________________________ their activities recently. 2. Volkswagen’s cars can _____________________________ the certification that they are environmentally friendly. 3. Greenpeace ______________________________ a new initiative against carbon dioxide storage last month. 4. The technology of producing hydrogen will not ______________________________ to market soon because it is still very costly. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. Some governments of developing countries refuse to ban _________________________ of rain forests because it is a source of income for them. (LOG) 2. All __________________________ damage the environment and some of them are even toxic for the people. (POLLUTE) 3. Installation of new sources of energy is considered a ________________________ sector of the economy. (PROSPER) 4. If we don’t build any further ________________________ facilities for oil, we could run into problems with the supply of oil. (STORE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. The financial crisis has brought ________ a fall in consumers’ demand. 2. ________ a large extent, this situation was caused by the new ecological tax. 3. Countries should dispose ________ their nuclear waste in an ecological way. 4. Do you consider the current situation ________ stable? 5. _______ despite _______ higher ecological awareness, people are still quite irresponsible. 6. When transporting oil, it is stored ________ board a ship or a tanker. B. Rewrite the sentences with the given words and use conditional clauses. (3 points each) 1. In a situation when manufacturers will not start behaving in a more responsible way, taxes on coal and gas will be introduced by the government. The government _____________________________________________________ unless _______________________________________________________________________. 2. The air is so much polluted now because oil was discovered. If _____________________________, the air ___________________________________. 3. I can’t forgive her for breaking into the house but I am not you. If I _________________, I _________________________________________________. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (1 point each) The environment ___________________________________ (suffer, postpone) the basic measures that should ____________________________________________________ (help, prevent, industrial firms, pollute) the air and water. The EU ___________ ___________________________________________ (urge, the member states, avoid, implement) technologies harmful for the environment. Some countries still __________ _____________________________ (deny, be responsible) this situation but most of them now know that something must _________________________________________ (DO, convince, people, save) energy. Several companies _______________________ _______________________________ (already, promise, not, keep on, use) harmful technologies. The EU __________________________________________________ (try, make, they, involve) environmental programs but others ________________________ _______________________________ (have to, make, accept) an environmentally friendly policy. Some of them ____________________________________________ (may, doubtful) the result but they are willing to do it. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. ________________________ university a year earlier. A: If I had started B: I wish I started C: I wish I had started D: If only I had started 2. The economic situation _______________ if we ______________ our expenses. A: could have been worse ... hadn’t limited B: would have been good ... had cut C: might improve ... start checking D: would be fine ... had been reducing 3. The Prime Minister ________________ if he _______________ an expert in economics. A: couldn’t succeed ... weren’t B: should have hired him ... had wanted C: can’t overcome the crisis ... won’t be D: wouldn’t be so successful ... wasn’t IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Pokud chce Evropská unie udržet ekonomický růst i v dlouhodobém období, bude muset zavést do praxe různá opatření týkající se ochrany životního prostředí. I přes rostoucí spotřebu elektřiny musí většina zemí ve větší míře využívat obnovitelné a neznečišťující zdroje energie. Navíc musí řešit problémy s ukládáním odpadů, protože skládky jsou již téměř plné, a se znečištěným ovzduším, neboť někteří průmysloví výrobci stále produkují velké množství rakovinotvorných znečišťujících látek, což má negativní vliv na zdraví obyvatel. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________