REVIEW TEST PJI3A Market Leader: Unit 1 Name: Teacher: Number of points (max. 100 points) TOTAL (60 points to pass) MARK I. Listening: III. Grammar: II. Vocabulary: IV. Translation: I. Listening: (max. 20 points) points ------------------------ II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) Být si vědom místních zvyklostí Přizpůsobit tempo různým typům obecenstva Připravit půdu pro navázání osobních vztahů Nacvičit si prezentaci s posluchači z cílové země Dávat si pozor na výraz obličeje a gesta Vyhnout se klišé a složitým frázím Podepsat smlouvu o podniku se společnou majetkovou účastí omezit příliv a odliv kapitálu vzrůstající vzájemná závislost mezi rozvinutými a rozvíjejícími se zeměmi B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a strategy where a company is operating all around the world but adapts its products or services and its manufacturing methods to make them suitable for local conditions: 2. the total value of all goods and services produced in a country, in one year, except for income received from abroad: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) TRACK RECORD, CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGY, STAKES, DOS AND DON'TS, DEPRECIATION, SHIPPING COSTS, 1. We're looking for someone with a proven ______________ in selling advertising. In Czech: 2. The booklet lists the _______________ of giving presentations. In Czech: 3. It is always the supplier who covers the _____________, unless stated otherwise. In Czech: D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) REPHRASE ­ EMPHASIZE ­ SCHEDULE BOUNCE OFF ­ DEVALUE ­ MEASURE 1. Nigeria has just _____________ its currency. 2. The Prime Minister made a speech_____________ the importance of such a law.. 3. Education shouldn't _______________ purely by examination results E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The universal ________________ of the dollar is a well-known fact. (CONVERT) 2. All the MPs know that this particular law needs to be________________. (SIMPLE) 3. There are ________________ notes at the end of each chapter. (EXPLAIN) 4. ________________ of your speech may lead to serious problems in doing business with them. (INTERPRET) 5. All countries should promote environmentally ________________development (SUSTAIN) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. My boss complimented me ____ my last article. 2. Can you figure ____ how to do it? 3. Don't get _____ the track; we're looking at the pie chart, not at the bar chart yet. 4. The laser show kicks _____ at noon. 5. All the hard work will be worth it _____ the long run. 6. I think we should go _____ the budget again. B. Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentence above. (3 points each) 1. Juliet joined the company in 2000. Next year it will be 10 years. Next year Juliet _________________________________for 10 years. 2. He started painting the room at 8 a.m. When I got home at 5 p.m. he was still painting. When I got home he ______________________________ for 9 hours. 3. I never had to make a presentation before. This is the first time I ________________________________ a presentation C. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Use prepositions if necessary. (1 point each) One of the children suddenly said, "This is the silliest story I __________________ (hear, ever). I was in the middle of reading Goldilocks and the three Bears. We ______________ (reach, just) the part where Goldilocks enters the bears' house and eats some porridge from the bowls. "Where _______ (be) the bears?" he asked. "Maybe outside or playing in the woods," I suggested. "And their house was wide open? They ________________ (lock, even) the door before going out?" "Well, in the old days, people _______________ (lock) their doors." "And their food was on the table, but they _____________ (eat) it before they _______ (go) outside?" "Maybe they ____________ (eat) it because it was too hot." "If you ______________ (cook) the meal, you wouldn't _______________ (go) out and left it, would you?" "Probably not, but it's just a story," I explained rather weakly. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 ­ 4. (2 points each) 1. They say they ____________ the goods on the 15th. But we ____________ them yet. A: have sent.....haven't received B: had sent .....didn't receive C: sent..... hadn't received D: were sending......haven't received 2. By the time they _____ the product their competitors________ theirs. A: have launched .... will launch B: had launched ...will have launched C: launch... will have launched D: launched... had launched 3. Every time inflation ____________, people__________________ higher wages. A: went ... demand B: goes up...demand C: has gone up ... demanded D: will go up ...will have demanded IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: (8 points each) Mnoho lidí má strach z toho mluvit na veřejnosti. Není divu, protože v sázce je mnoho. Pokud si ale svoji řeč nacvičíte, věnujete pozornost uspořádání sedadel a ukážete smysl pro humor, budete na správné cestě k přesvědčivému projevu. Nezapomeňte se dopředu obeznámit s používanou technologií. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. Po letech spolupráce s výhradním zástupcem jsme se rozhodli uzavřít licenční smlouvu o výrobě našich motorek v Indii. Indie je zemí, která poslední dobou přitahuje spoustu přímých soukromých investic. Indická vláda umožnila volný pohyb kapitálu a úroveň liberalizace trhu je jedna z nejvyšších na světě. _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________.