Unit 1 Listening 1.1 Complete the phrases from the listening take for respond (how) do add put sb give get nod gesture was review sign of pave schedule wave recognize Article blow sb’s mind "a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity" bounce ideas off sb a word made up from the first letters of the name of something such as an organization pitfall an expression or word used in informal conversation do's and don'ts an idea/phrase that has been used so much that it is not effective or does not have any meaning any longer: colloquialism things that you should and should not do in a particular situation: cliché to make you feel very surprised and excited by something: acronym to talk about your ideas with someone in order to get their opinion: jargon words/expressions used in a particular profession which are difficult for other people to understand Qs 1. Why is it important to take langauge and cultural differences into account? (2) "2. Why is ""business as usual"" risky? (3)" 3. Give examples of planning tips (5) 4. Why do you think is rehearsing a presentation useful? (6) 5. What might be the outcome of such rehearsal? "6. Give tips how to make your presentations as comprehensible as possible. (8,9)" 7. Why should the expressions listed in paragraph 10 be avoided? (10) 8. How should a presenter handle questions? (11) 9. Why can facial expressions cause misinterpretation? Give examples. (11) Business idioms Complete the sentences with appropriate idioms We _____________ that suggestion _____________ and in the end decided to go ahead. across the board "He said $25,000 but it's just a _____________________" ball-park figure The fund has a good _____________________ of investing in the equity market. gained ground We're still _______________ 10% growth in the long run Climbing is a dangerous sport and the _________________________ kick around The changes will affect local authorities __________________________ long shot Moving to Spain will be better for you _______________________ odds are "It's a ____________________, but someone might recognise her from the photo." on the ball The ________________ in favour of a Russian victory on track for I am looking for an assistant who's really _________________________ stakes are high His theories gradually ______________________ among academics. track record Listening 1.2 Complete the sentences with appropriate expressions 1. Professon Konrad prefers to _______________________ by his first name. 2. Melanie thinks there are many _____________________________ when entering new markets. 3. Melanie is giving a ___________________________ tomorrow at 5 p.m. 4. Konrad cannot atttend her seminar due to __________________________________ 5. Melanie say it is a _________________ that both their children play basketball. 6. The topic of Melanie’s presentations is how companies adapt their culture _________________________ international mergers. 7. She has done a lot of research into how international bank mergers may _____________________ if cultural issues are not ________________________ 8. Konrad offers Melanie his ____________________________ and encourages her to e-mail him if she any questions about __________________________________. 9. James is Konrad’s _________________________________ 10. Konrad is _________________ talk in 5 minutes. 11. James asked Konrad what he ___________________________ ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### ##### Sheet/List 3 #####