UNIT TWO - TRAINING READING, U2, p. 16 TASK Say whether the following statements are true or false. 1. Professor Williams swapped classroom teaching for e-learning after years of dissatisfaction in tertiary institutes. T/F 2. To leave classroom teaching was a difficult choice to make. T/F 3. Mr Williams left classroom teaching when he realized it was detached from reality of the marketplace. T/F 4. Mr Williams liked to read poems to his students. T/F 5. Mr Williams became associated professor of e-learning because he sensed it was going to be big. T/F 6. Universitas 21 Global is based in Singapore and is a joint venture between Universitas 21, Thomson Learning and a global consortium of 16 universities. T/F 7. The institute wants to exploit the vast potential supply of teachers particularly from Asia. T/F 8. The institute wants to get rid of the elitist model of higher education by providing special low interest loans for students. T/F 9. An online course gives its participants equal opportunities to voice their opinions. T/F 10. The degree conferred by Universitas 21 Global is globally recognised. T/F 11. To be democratic all students pay the same fee. T/F 12. The reasonable cost structure together with time and curriculum flexibility are the greatest incentives for potential students. T/F 13. Education is becoming more and more valued and expensive in India. T/F 14. Education plays a role of an equalizer in the Indian caste system. T/F 15. India is one of the key countries in Asia which Universitas 21 Global is targeting because of its English speaking population and an extensive use of the Internet. T/F 16. China is another country targeted by Universitas 21 Global where the population is quickly responding to programmes offered by the instituion. T/F 17. The total price of the online MBA course offered in China accounts for about 75% of the total price of a similar course offered by Chinese universities. T/F 18. Brand recognition is very important in education. T/F 19. Universities offering online courses do not compete with bricks-and-mortar universities but complement them. T/F 20. To be a new kid on the block is a phrase used to talk about somebody who has just started a new activity. T/F LISTENING, 2.3., p. 18 1. Ms Taylor is coming for _____________________ (3 words) on Thursday. 2. The event will take place in conference room B2. At reception they can always give her __________________ (1 word). LISTENING, 2.4., p. 18 1. There is a problem with conference room bookings. It looks like B2 is ___________________________ (2 words). 2. They can´t ask the _________________________ (3 words) the meeting, but it´s only ______________ (1 word) till 11 o´clock, so it can be used _______________(1 word). 3. Pierre suggests that Mel should ______________________ (2 words) to reception and get the keys to both room so that Mel can ______________ (3 words). 4. Pierre will ____________ (1 word) Mel´s group ________ (1 word) till 12 in case the chairman´s meeting ____________ (2 words). 5. Mel suggests that she will email the people about the ____________ (2 words). 6. In case the conference participants won´t read the email, Pierre will leave a note in reception with the ____________________(2 words). LISTENING, 2.5., p. 20 1. Harry says there is a __________________________ (4 words) coming from sales force and the information that they get is often too ___________________________________________________(6 words). 2. Gabriella thinks that the extra training for the regional managers was ________________(1 word) which ________________________ (2 words) meant that they weren´t well ________________ (1 word) to teach their staff. 3. The sales team from Reedleys have only had very _____________ (1 word) informal training with the system so far. 4. iPAQ is an ________________________ (2 words) pilot. It could be used by sales team. They could ____________________ (2 words) directly in the shops. There is even a _________________ (2 words) to take photos of __________________ (2 words). The information is then ________________________ (3 words) for analysis. 5. With iPAQ they could produce reports and data in a more ______________________(2 words). 6. Gabriella is concerned about what form the training will ________ (1 word). She doesn´t want anybody _________________________ (3 words) implementation. 7. Kamal is afraid that his department can´t _______________________________________________(5 words) in a short period of time. 8. Training firm Pollack has a very good reputation. They have ____________________________________ (6 words) other IT training courses for them in the past. 9. The aim of ________________________ (3 words) is to make the sales staff become a bit more proactive in their ________________ (1 word) to selling. 10. It´s difficult for sales staff to adapt to working with someone who used to work for competition. There´s sometimes a _______________________________ (5 words). 11. They will have to find a way to _____________________(1 word) the process of integration to create a _________________(1 word) team more quickly. 1.Takže to rozjedeme? (ball) Shall__________________________,_______? 2. Když už mluvíme o školení…… (subject) While____________________,……