UNIT FOUR – ENERGY Reading p. 36 TASK 1 Based on the information from the article answer the following. 1. What consequences could switching from fossil fuels to hydrogen lead to? 2. What were the billion dollar investments made by the US, EU and Japan aimed at? 3. The idea of hydrogen economy is a very likely prospect. T/F 4. What were/are the results of the recent reports from the US National Academy of Science and the American Physical Society? 5. What is the cheapest way today to produce hydrogen? And what are the downsides to this technique? 6. Years of research into the ways of producing hydrogen with algae, sunlight and catalysts have produced decisive results. T/F 7. Producing hydrogen cheaply is a complex issue for researchers. T/F 8. What do we know about hydrogen? 9. How does hydrogen behave at room temperature and pressure? How do these characteristics affect storing hydrogen? 10. What is the function of fuel cells? And how have they been used so far? Have they been used a lot? 11. Name some technical challenges the hydrogen powered cars are faced with. 12. Name some obstacles hydrogen fuel-cell cars face from the outside world. How difficult is it to transport hydrogen? 13. What prerequisites would have to be met for the hydrogen economy to catch on? 14. Who is Jo Ann Milliken and what does she say about our society´s transition to a hydrogen economy? 15. What should governments do to accelerate the process of finding a substitute for gasoline? TASK 2 Find the words in the text defined by the following: 1. _________________ = to make sth happen, to cause sb to have particular feelings or memories 2. if you __________ an engine or if it___________ , you press the accelerator with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster * ___________ up the engine = túrovat motor 3. ______________ = to move or push someone or something forvard * a car ____________ by solar energy 4. _____________ = risk of sth 5. __________________ = the result of a process or an event 6. ________________ = to remove sth from sth 7. _____________ = a very small group of atoms that form a particular substance 8. _______________ = to move liquid from one container to another through a tube 9. ____________________ = to not understand sth and not to know how to deal with (a body language) 10. _______________ = to become a liquid, or to make something become a liquid 11. ___________________ = likely to burn very quickly and easily 12. ____________________ = a situation/problem where it is impossible to say which of two things happened first or caused the other to happen 13. _________________ = a long, usually boring, list of things that someone talks or writes about 14. _______________________ = the truth which is impossible to ovoid or ignore 15. _____________________ = strong and able to deal with difficult conditions (about equipment) TASK 3 Give verbs which are synonymous with the verb: to invest. = _______________________ = ______________________________ LISTENING, p. 4.1., p. 34 TASK Based on the information in the listening exercise translate the following: 1. zdroj energie přívětivý k životnímu prostředí = ______________________________ 2. nahrazen sluneční energií = ______________________________________ 3. omezen existujícími rezervami = ___________________________________ 4. soutěžit s novými účastníky = ________________________________ 5. dodávat plyn za použití vlastní sítě = _____________________________________ 6. způsobit význačné změny = ____________________________________________ 7. vyhnout se monopolu velkých společností = _________________________________ 8. rozčleňování znamená rozdělování činností do různých poboček = ___________________________________________________________________ 9. řada společných podniků a fúzí = __________________________________________ 10. zvyšující se znepokojení ohledně bezpečnosti dodávek = ____________________________________________________________ 11. závislost na vzdálených vnějších zdrojích znamená velké riziko = ___________________________________________________ 12. vybudovat velké skladovací prostory = ___________________________________ 13. dovážet zkapalnělý zemní plyn = ________________________________________ 14. dopravovat potrubím = __________________________________________