THE MYSTERY OF MIRRORS Mirrors, those (1) ........................ surfaces which produce an image of objects placed MAGIC in front of them, are a (2) ........................ image in Western art. Painters seem to RECUR have been fascinated by the (3) ........................ between the virtual reality which RELATE spontaneously appears in a mirror and the one which they artificially create by painting on plaster, paper or canvas. In both cases, the (4) ......................... sees something OBSERVE which is not where it seems to be. But in contrast to a painted image, which presupposes that the painted surface can be seen, what we see in a mirror requires that the reflective surface is (5) .............................. When mirrors are represented in VISIBLE paintings, the situation becomes complicated in a particularly (6) ............................ INTRIGUE way: the virtual reality of the picture includes a second virtual reality in the form of a painted (7) ........................... . REFLECT