Introduction to Stochastic Processes Michael Shadlen Neubeh 545 February 2003 What is a stochastic process? • Stochastic just means random • Often, a random sequence of events Stochastic point process • The events are stereotyped (points) • All that matters (to us) is when they occur {t1? t2, t3,...} Or the intervals between them {tr0, t2-tl9 t3-t2, ...} = {Al9 A2, A3, ...} • If the intervals are independent and identically distributed (iid) the process is called a Renewal • Examples: - Radioactive decay - Time to failure of a part - Queuing (e.g., vesicle release) - Spikes Information is coded by spikes Variability of spike trains in cortex is a fundamental problem Biophysics: What accounts for variability? Psychology: Does it limit sensory fidelity? Motor precision? Computational neuroscience: What are the implications for the neural coding of information? 40 spikes per second 100 msec ™^-«SEI§gf£SK 500 ms Spikes recorded on 214 repetitions of the same random-dot stimulus. Instantaneous spike rate computed in 2 msec bins from average of all 214 trials �30818 71 1802340958 500 ms B ■■■.!■;. ■■■■.:■ i.-:!-:.....■■; .>■■■.■: ■■!■:■'.....':.'',■•• ,:■ - . !i. ■.■ ;"■■■-■ i-.b- Y ,\:.' .-■ !i iaii: .'■-■ ii>.....'.' ■ !■;■ ľ" V '": '•'•'■• ! :'.'-1 :!i'.' S ' ■■"■ í"11!-1 ■■■' ■ IĽ ■ J ■■ . I ■■ ■ I . ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ I ■ -■■■.■: ■■!■:■'.....':.'',■•• !'V ':iM':'.i\■■ -i ",!h-.■''■■ .'i.*, ■ ::!:i\i:-'; : i i ,, , ■b;1.- ..... i1 ::—;■■' |. .!, ir■-.■'i■■■-■ "-i--. .■.." :'.,'■■ "■■ :■:. V:',,|,v ŕ ',V;'-' : í-.;!J '■ J.-. i-;, i-1 ■,"'": '.:'■■ : :,1'-1 !;■',',:." ■ n'1 í.'.11!-' ■■■' II1 ■ j ■■ . I ■■ ■ I . ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ I ■ - = lim^ i - M , = \iTe -\iT The Poisson point process • Intervals distributed as Exponential • Counts distributed as Poisson We are now imagining the limit, where M is very big and At is very small. At |_______| | |_______| | |_______| 0 T = M At What is the waiting time to the 1st event? Let T be the waiting time. We know its cumulative distribution function Fit) = P{T