Vhyishelate? Enrique is always on time for class but today he is late, uggest reasons using must, might, could, or may. 1 Is he still asleep? (might) He wight still be asleep. 2 Is he ill? (must) 3 Is he in the coffee bar? (might) 3 4 5 3 The continuous infinitive 1 The continuous infinitive is used after a modal verb of probability to express a possible activity in progress at the moment. His office light's on. He must be working late. It's only 9.10. They can't be having a break yet. Complete the conversations with suitable verbs in the continuous infinitive. 1 A Do you know where Ben is? B I'm not sure. He may bejrtayjMg games on the computer. 2 A Where's Birgit? B She's upstairs. She must_to music in her room. A She's not in her room. B Try the bathroom. She might_ a shower. A I can't find the thing that changes the TV channel. B The remote control? Stand up. You could _on it. A Have you seen the newspaper? B I think James picked it up. He may_it. A What's that noise? B It sounds like an ambulance. They must _someone to hospital. A Look over there! It's Kate and Alex. B She can't_his hand. She doesn't like him. A They must_out together. I don't believe it! A What's happening outside? B It sounds like workmen. They must _up the road outside. A What for? B I don't know. They could_a broken water pipe. 4 Does he have a doctor's appointment? (could) 3 5 Is he stuck in a traffic jam? (may) _ 4 6 Is his bus late? (might) __5 7 Does he want to miss the test? (must) Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 with can't. Then give a reason. 1 He can't still be asleep because he always gets up yerxMriy^ 2 _ 7 Unit 9 • Relationships 57