10 Dec 2010 Unit 7 1. Use an appropriate term using the Czech prompt: They can not ………………………. against her, so she is unlikely to be *convicted. předložit důkazy Are you wondering if you should file a ……………………….or an individual lawsuit? kolektivní žaloba She got her job back when she won an ………………………. against her dismissal. odvolání The contents of the report were ………………………. to the press. prosáknout/dostat se (na veřejnost) The attorney helped us ………………………. between the company and me. urovnat spor The new legislation ………………………. in November 2007. vejít v platnost In the USA, a ………………………. on computer sales. uvalit/vybírat přirážku (*convict = to decide officially in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime) 2. Use an appropriate term for the definitions below: to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind = to M………… A………….N responsible for a specified wrongdoing, fault, or error = ……………………….Y of (st) agreed or decided without going to a court of law = O…………… S …………..…… an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect = S………… …………T 3. Complete the words in these definitions with the missing letters. 1 The _u_ _ is a group of people who evaluate evidence presented in court. 2 The _e_ _i_ _ is an official judicial decision. 3 The _e_e_ _a_ _ is the person seeking to prove his/her innocence. 4 _ee_ have to be paid to the legal representatives. 5 A _e_ _ _e_e_ _ is an agreement between two parties in a lawsuit. 6 The _ _ai_ _i_ _ is the person who litigates. 7 A _a_ _e_ is a qualified legal adviser. 4. Underline the correct verb in brackets: 8 Is it worth trying to ( file / settle ) this lawsuit out of court? 9 The judge ( awarded / admitted ) damages of a hundred thousand. 10 Do you think the court will ( rule / file ) in our favour? 11 A member of staff has ( blamed / accused ) her employer of sexual harassment. 12 We’d like you to ( provide / award ) evidence on our behalf. 13 They may decide to ( involve / impose ) even stricter penalties. 14 We’re (seeking / searching ) damages for the sustained injuries. 15 They’re ( bringing / carrying ) a lawsuit against us for negligence. coursebook: Career Skills 5. Each of these phrases for negotiating has one extra word. Write the word at the end. 16 I’ll have to think that all over. _______ 17 That’s going out of the question! _______ 18 To take it or leave it! _______ 19 I’m would prepared to offer you 10% more. ______ 20 Here’s what we have in the mind. _______ GRAMMAR – The Passive 6. Have / get st. DONE When we wish to talk about arranging for things to be done by other people, we use the structure to have something done: * I am going to have my hair cut. * I have my car serviced every two months. * We had the house redecorated over the summer. * I had candidates´ handwriting analysed. It is also possible to use the verb get instead of have: * I am going to get my hair cut. * I get my car serviced every two months. * We got the house redecorated over the summer. Practise HAVE ST. DONE with these words: 1. …my suit/clean yesterday. (MIN.ČAS PROSTÝ) 2. …always/his photographs/develop/at the same place. (PŘÍT.ČAS PROSTÝ) 3. …her watch/repair/at the moment. (PŘÍT.ČAS PRŮBĚHOVÝ) 4. …our priest/car/fix/for nothing. (PŘÍT.ČAS PROSTÝ) 5. …the neighbours/their house/paint. Now it's a horrible colour. (PŘEDPŘÍT.ČAS) 6. …my husband/have to/garage/rebuild because he knocked it down reversing into it last month. (PŘÍT.ČAS PROSTÝ se slovesem MUSET) 7. …the teachers/pizzas/deliver/to the teachers' room. (PŘÍT.ČAS PROSTÝ) 8. …I/this dress/make/in Hong Kong last year. (MIN.ČAS PROSTÝ) 9. …the Queen/her portrait/paint/many times. (PŘEDPŘÍT.ČAS) 10…/a famous pop star/his nose/fix again. . (PŘEDPŘÍT.ČAS) Further practice: Self-check: Practice to have something done: http://www.grammar-cat.com/practice/tenses_and_time/have_something_done_practice.htm http://www.better-english.com/grammar/havedone.htm 7. The Passive + -ing forms/infinitives Put the verbs and any other words in brackets into the correct form. You may add the necessary auxiliary verbs, prepositions and particles. Use the verbs in the brackets in the given order. Use the passive where necessary. 1. Policy makers (force, think) of market pitfalls and (consider, develop) profitable strategies. (PRESENT CONTINUOUS) 2. We (be used, encourage, improve) our job performance on a daily basis. (PRESENT SIMPLE) 3. The recruitment staff (object, submit) the application form incomplete. (PRESENT PERFECT) 4. Unless they stop taking illegal steps, they (risk, reveal) and (find) guilty. (PRESENT SIMPLE) 5. We are cautious. We (prefer, break, not) safety regulations. (PRESENT SIMPLE) 6. His administration (neglect, protect, the citizens, attack) on their homeland. (PRESENT PERFECT) 7. The Secretary of the State (deny, involve) negotiations with AL-Kaida. (PAST SIMPLE) 8. His business associate (suggest, commit - not, meet) humanitarian needs in the most corrupt areas. (PAST SIMPLE) 9. She is an admirable worker. She never (avoid, confront) with the challenge. (PRESENT SIMPLE) 10. I will quit this job as I (can - not, get used, make) to promote faulty products. (PRESENT SIMPLE) 8. COURSEBOOK – translations - practice CB p.60-61 / Reading E-Cz liability – to end up owing vast sums of money – to make ownership claim – growth prospects – contractual failure – regardless of the outcome of the court case – (law)suits concerning intellectual property and employee conduct – antitrust measures – to get out of hand – questionable assumptions – to award a penalty – to affect stock price – misleading data – creditors and debtors – to seek damages – to hear an appeal – The judge has ruled in our favour. – to be worth $2,000 – CB pages 62-63 Cz-E urovnat spor – dosáhnout dohody mezi dvěma stranami – předložit u soudu přesvědčivé důkazy – zavést přísnější tresty – prozradit kompromitující informace - Dali jsme je k soudu. – Jsou na pokraji úpadku. – soud/ soudní proces (vedený) proti společnosti – rozsudek nejvyššího soudu – přiznat odškodné ve výši 5 milionů dolarů – utrpět újmu/škodu/zranění – podat žalobu – poskytovat právní rady – dokázat svou nevinu – oběť bezpráví/nespravedlnosti – porota / soudce / žalobce / obžalovaný – být angažovaný/účasten na soudním řízení – 9. WB – self-check - translations CZECH – ENGLISH rozřešit/vyřešit - řešit - najmout si odborníka na právo - značná částka – Rizika soudního řízení se řěžko analyzují. – elektronický odpad – finanční podvod – falšovat účty – pokrýt obrovské ztráty – maloobchodní prodejci – úpadek – prodávat pojistky – uplácet administrativní pracovníky – portfolia vzájemných fondů (v. fondy - nevlastněné akcionáři ale samotnými vkladateli/zákazníky) – ENGLISH – CZECH to take criminal proceedings – copyright infringement – We need to establish whose intellectual property the publication is. – to hinder prosecutors – SEC – to seek to prove guilt – to raise money – to simplify shipping of unwanted old PCs – to raise awareness of jurisdictional risks – KEY CZECH – ENGLISH rozřešit/vyřešit - SOLVE řešit - RESOLVE najmout si odborníka na právo - to HIRE A LEGAL EXPERT značná částka – SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT Rizika soudního řízení se řěžko analyzují. - LITIGATION RISKS ARE HARD TO ANALYSE. elektronický odpad – E-WASTE / ELECTRONIC JUNK finanční podvod - FINANCIAL DECEPTION/FRAUD falšovat účty – TO FALSIFY ACCOUNTS pokrýt obrovské ztráty - TO COVER HUGE LOSSES maloobchodní prodejci – RETAILERS úpadek – BANKRUPTCY/FINANCIAL RUIN prodávat pojistky – TO SELL INSURANCE POLICIES uplácet administrativní pracovníky – TO BRIBE ADMINISTRATION OFFICERS portfolia vzájemných fondů (v. fondy - nevlastněné akcionáři ale samotnými vkladateli/zákazníky) - PORFOLIOS OF MUTUAL FUNDS ENGLISH – CZECH to take criminal proceedings - ZAHÁJIT TRESTNÍ ŘÍZENÍ copyright infringement – PORUŠENÍ AUTORSKÉHO PRÁVA We need to establish whose intellectual property the publication is. – MUSÍME URČIT, ČÍ DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ JE TATO PUBLIKACE. to hinder prosecutors - BRZDIT/ZTĚŽOVAT PRÁCI ŽALOBCE/PROKURÁTORA SEC – KOMISE PRO CENNÉ PAPÍRY (US) to seek to prove guilt – SNAŽIT SE PROKÁZAT VINU to raise money – SHÁNĚT PENÍZE to simplify shipping of unwanted old PCs – ZJEDNODUŠIT DOPRAVU/PŘEPRAVU NECHTĚNÝCH STAÝCH POČÍTAČŮ to raise awareness of jurisdictional risks – ZVÝŠIT POVĚDOMÍ O RIZICÍCH SOUDNÍ PRAVOMOCE/JURISDIKCE