Mock Test - Unit 4 Martin Dohnal I. Phrases and sentences 1/ nejčastěji používané sekce intranetu 2/ udržovat webové stránky aktuální 3/ zahltit informacemi 4/ brát zřetel na druhořadá rizika 5/ být si vědom nebezpečí 6/ provést kompletní přehled bezpečnosti 7/ ukazatel bezpečnostní úrovně 8/ zhoršení obchodních podmínek 9/ být v rozporu s etickým kodexem 10/ svolat mimořádnou schůzi A/ Sledujeme co se děje na blogu a průběžně čistíme nepotřebné a duplicitní informace. B/ Pouze naši zaměstnanci jsou oprávněni přistupovat k citlivým informacím. C/ Nech mě Ti poskytnout náhled do této problematiky. II. Prepositions Fill in some of the on, in, into, of, off. out, from, for. Not all of them are used. 1. Enter a password _____ computer system. 2. Download this file _____ my pen drive and put it _____ the internet. 3. Give me details _____ (don't use about) your assignment here, please. 4. It is obligatory ____ everybody to follow _____ the instructions. 5. Keep my suggestion ____ your mind. III. Definitions 1/ The ratio of the output and input of any system, skillfulness of avoiding wasted time and effort 2/ Visual display of information 3/ The shame you feel when your fault or guilt is made public 4/ The person who is considered, believed as guilty 5/ Information with no proof of truthfulness. IV. Questions 1. You'd be able to help me wtih these boxes, _____________? 2. You'll give me one of these, ______________? 3. Let's have a meeting tonight, ____________? 4. It means that you won't come, ___________? 5. It's not the reason why you won't come, ________? V. True or False Read the article "Face value" in WB p.19. Decide if the sentence is T or F. 1. Mr. Scoble works for the world's largest company. 2. He has worked in Japan. 3. Lenn Pryor hired him in reaction of his blog. 4. Mr. Scoble is being paid for criticizing Microsoft. 5. Jonathan Schwartz suggests merging HP and IBM. Key: I. 1/ bits of the intranet that get used most of the time 2/ keep website current 3/ overload with information 4/ take minor risks into consideration 5/ be aware of the danger 6/ conduct a full security review 7/ indicator of security level 8/ deterioration of business conditions 9/ to contradict code of conduct 10/ to arrange an emergency meeting A/ We keep our eye on what goes on the weblog and continually weed out unneccesary and duplicate information. B/ Only members of our staff are entitled to approach confidential information. C/ Let me give you a window into this issue. / Let me outline this issue to you. II. 1. into 2. from, on 3. of 4. for, -- 5. in III. 1. Efficiency 2. Chart 3. Embarrassment 4. Suspect 5. Rumour IV. 1. wouldn't you 2. won't you 3. shall we 4 .doesn't it 5. is it V. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F